Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
BC Health Minister Adrian Dix and BC Medical Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced changes to Assisted Living and Long Term Care Guidelines related to COVID -19, on Tuesday June 30, 2020. Over the next 7 to 10 days, they have asked these Care Providers to prepare written safety plans to facilitate single designated visitors […]
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
Happy Canada Day Everyone! Once again we are happy to report that No Residents or staff are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Langley Seniors Village. Lockdown at Langley Seniors Village Just a reminder to everyone that we remain on lockdown at Langley Seniors Village. We continue to ask everyone to be respectful […]
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
To our extended family and friends, We continue to await direction from the heath board that will determine how and when we may start the process of allowing visitors. An announcement from us will be coming shortly. We are waiting for further clarification on how the visitor process is to be conducted within the guidelines […]
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
Hello Everyone We continue to appreciate all that you and your loved ones are doing to heed the precautions put in place to alleviate risk of exposure to COVID-19. I am relieved to tell you that there are no cases of reported outbreak nor signs nor symptoms of COVID-19 in any of our residents or […]
Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
Greetings Friends & Families, I do hope you are all doing well. Some of you have been inquiring, so we felt the need to clarify some information about persons coming into the building. No one is enjoying a social visit but there are individuals coming into the building to see their loved ones who are […]
Monday, June 29th, 2020
Good Afternoon, There continues to be no signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in any of our residents/tenants or staff here at Selkirk Seniors Village. Selkirk continues to enforce a strict no visitation rule, which is directed by the MHO and health authority. I hope that everyone has had the opportunity to utilize FaceTime and […]
Monday, June 29th, 2020
To all Family Members: We are pleased to report that Dufferin remains COVID free – but please note, we continue to follow MHO mandate of no visitors to our building. Thank you to all families for their patience, kindness and expression of support for the past 3 months. We continue to accept clothing, food, and […]
Monday, June 29th, 2020
Hello White Rock Seniors Village RC Families June 26 2020 White Rock Seniors Village remain COVID-19 free. As we are well into June and it is officially summer, we are waiting for the weather to catch up to the date. Here is a staffing update: We have been having some help from the […]
Saturday, June 27th, 2020
To Our Wellesley Extended Family Our residents and staff have been working hard at sewing over 300 masks that they will have for sale by donation. All proceeds will be split between their next project – QUILT project and a local charity. Our Rec team have been working hard and even bought a new […]
Friday, June 26th, 2020
June 25, 2020 Greetings Families & Friends, As we approach the end of yet another month of Covid-19 reality, anticipation for eased restrictions, via a transition to phase 3, is high. Amidst the uncertainty and frustrations, communities such as ours have felt the grip of isolation and are hoping that a bit of relief […]