June 25, 2020
Greetings Families & Friends,
As we approach the end of yet another month of Covid-19 reality, anticipation for eased restrictions, via a transition to phase 3, is high. Amidst the uncertainty and frustrations, communities such as ours have felt the grip of isolation and are hoping that a bit of relief to restrictions is on the not so distant horizon. In the meantime, we continue to express our gratitude for everyone’s patience and dedication to staying the course in spite of the ever increasing Covid-19 fatigue. Our combined efforts in this regard have manifested themselves in a continued Covid-free community. The province of B.C. is a shining example of the achievable success attained through education, positive encouragement and a population’s overall willingness to comply and remain calm and kind in the face of adversity. THANK YOU ALL!!
Although there has been little to no change to report, I do wish to divert everyone’s focus to a “Good News” story from our wonderful community. Ellie Pattison, a resident that has blessed us with her presence for a number of years, celebrated her 105th birthday yesterday. We have far more than 105 reasons to be grateful for Ellie’s grace, charm and beauty as she continues to spread her humble cheer at SSV. The small – due to restrictions – but large in spirit gathering brought both smiles and tears of joy to everyone. SSV is blessed with a number of Centenarians, including our treasured 106 year old, Rosa King, who graces our LTC part of the community. As Ellie so eloquently put it, “when I reflect on all the things I have seen and experienced during my more than a century existence on this planet, Covid-19, in perspective, seems like nothing more than a mosquito bite in comparison.” Let’s hope the swelling subsides soon and an everlasting repellant in the form of a vaccine is just around the corner…
Our Recreation team continues to keep things as stimulating as possible in spite of all obstacles and you will have all received our updated LTC calendar recently listing the various programs and activities in place.
General Store
The General Store remains open with distancing restrictions (1 person at a time) and a good selection of treats and necessities.
We are still waiting on permission to open our dining room and will announce this as soon as we receive a green light from the Health Authority.
All deliveries must come through the front entrance only and abide by guidelines set out in our previous communications. Once again, we remind folks not to leave deliveries on the carts provided after 4:30 PM.
As always, feel free to access the website for community updates on COVID related issues. To prevent the overwhelming of associated LTC staff members, we ask that you limit calls to twice per week and Facetime slots to once per week.
We appreciate your patience and remind all to remain calm and kind throughout the duration of this difficult time.
This will pass and until then, stay safe…
Most Sincerely
Farid Nouisser
Community Relations Manager, S.S.V.