This planning tool has been designed to guide Long Term Care organizations through WorkSafeBC’s six-step process to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in Long Term Care. Briefly, these steps are: Step 1: Assess the risk at your workplace Step 2: Implement measures to reduce the risk Step 3: Develop policies Step 4: Develop communication plans […]
In March 2020, we came face to face with one of the biggest challenges in our lifetime, the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. Strict restrictions were placed on all long-term care and assisted living communities to protect residents against the deadly virus. This meant immense sacrifices by residents, families and staff to keep residents safe and healthy. […]
Hello Families and Friends of Renfrew, We wanted to let everyone know that the hairdresser will restart her service may 12 2021! We also thought we would send a reminder of all the visitation guidelines and contact information. To book your visit please email Appointments are required. No drop ins. We ask families […]
Good afternoon everyone, As we are enjoying the personal visitations we would like to remind everyone to stay vigilant with your hand washing, sanitization, masks and social distancing. Vaccinations are helpful but work best when we combine them with continued due diligence. It is possible to still get and pass CoVid -19 even after vaccination. […]
Dear Families, Friends and Residents We are just updating you that all remains operating as normal and there is still no change in our status. We have not been placed on any enhanced monitoring and no staff or residents are experiencing any symptoms. Should our status change, or should any staff or residents exhibit any […]
To Families and Staff: A Happy Easter Monday to everyone, Please be advised that we have been informed that one of our Staff has come into contact with a positive CoVid-19 case. The exposure happened after their last scheduled day of work here at Renfrew Care Centre. As this is the case, we are not […]
Hello Families and Friends of Renfrew Care Centre: Current COVID-19 guidelines in Long Term Care and Assisted Living Communities are being revised provincially effective April 1st, 2021. Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer delivered an update today with province wide changes to current restrictions including changes to the visitor guidelines. Starting April 1st, […]
Friends and Families of Renfrew Care center As many of you will already know, Dr. Bonnie Henry addressed new visitation guidelines for care homes throughout British Columbia effective April 1st, in her COVID-19 update today. We know this will create a mix of excitement as well as anxiety for many people as we move […]
Dear Friends and Families of Renfrew Care center Vancouver Coastal Health has announced that vaccines are being made available to designated and essential visitors to Long Term Care sites. If you are a designated visitor, you will need to request a letter of confirmation from Renfrew Care Center that you are the designated visitor, and […]
Hello Everyone! Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding, we happy to say that the visitations can start up again. We know everyone will be wanting to book visits as soon as possible and we will be working hard to accommodate this. To book your time, Please email or call […]