This planning tool has been designed to guide Assisted Living residences through WorkSafeBC’s six-step process to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in Assisted Living. Briefly, these steps are: Step 1: Assess the risk at your workplace Step 2: Implement measures to reduce the risk Step 3: Develop policies Step 4: Develop communication plans and training […]
This planning tool has been designed to guide Assisted Living residences through WorkSafeBC’s six-step process to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in Assisted Living. Briefly, these steps are: Step 1: Assess the risk at your workplace Step 2: Implement measures to reduce the risk Step 3: Develop policies Step 4: Develop communication plans and training […]
In March 2020, we came face to face with one of the biggest challenges in our lifetime, the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. Strict restrictions were placed on all long-term care and assisted living communities to protect residents against the deadly virus. This meant immense sacrifices by residents, families and staff to keep residents safe and healthy. […]
July 1-2021 Family Message Update Today, we choose to share the message our President, James Liebenberg sent to each of us. Canada Day 2021 Usually, on Canada Day, I hold the Canadian flag up high with pride and praise for our great country. Canada is still the greatest county in my mind, and I […]
June 24-2021 Family Message Update Dining Room/Re-opening in IL: As you all are aware due to the guidelines we were able to re-open the dining room to the normal pre-Covid set up which means there is no 4:30 or 5:30 specific seating for odd and even suites. What we are asking is that you […]
June 18-2021 Family Message Update JUNE BIRTHDAY DELIVERIES: The Birthday Crew were on the run again this week to deliver delicious home made cheesecake to all 12 of our birthday residents this month of June. Thank you to Connie, Liam, Yanni and Sharon for singing your hearts out and making sure everyone made a wish […]
June 14-2021 Family Message Update Anchors/Rooftop: You will have heard and seen one of our vendors around the building this week. They are placing 36 anchors on our buildings in order to facilitate window cleaning as well as window replacement. Joe is working with the team to ensure this is complete by July. This […]
June 6-2021 Family Message Update Very happy to say that our COVID-19 2nd Vaccine for our Independent Living building is complete as of 3 pm on Friday! Thank you to the VIHA public health system and all of the residents and staff who jumped in to make sure the clinic went off without a hitch! […]
May 28-2021 Family Message Update 2ND VACCINE – INDEPENDENT LIVING: We got confirmation this week that our clinic is booked for Friday, June 4th from 2-4 pm. What we will be doing so as not to interrupt meal time is ask for all ODD numbered suites to come down first for 2 pm (you […]
May 24-2021 Family Message Update Happy Victoria Day! We wanted to celebrate everyone for their birthdays this month, so once again our Birthday Crew, Connie-Liam and Sharon went door to door and through the dining rooms to ensure everyone got a song and a special treat home made by Connie! Happy May babies!!! […]