Hello families and friends of Peace Portal Seniors Village,
We are very pleased to share there are no signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in any of our residents or staff here at Peace Portal Seniors Village. We continue to be extra mindful of protocols, self-care, visitation support and the best interests of the health and safety of all our residents. Should the status of our Community change in any respect, please know that we will immediately contact families. We continue to monitor all residents & staff daily for any symptoms. If your loved one is deemed symptomatic or tests positive, please know you will be contacted directly by phone.
Holiday Decorating: The Christmas Elves have arrived at PPSV and are busy decking the halls. Our recreation team has been tirelessly working to decorate our facility. Our beautiful picture windows are decorated with Christmas theme and our Christmas Tree is up. There would be few surprises for our residents planned out. We will be posting pictures on social media. Please follow us.
Stay connecting on Social Media:
Connecting Families
Our team is dedicated in ensuring our residents are able to connect to their families and loved ones. While in person visits inside the community are on hold, we encourage you to schedule a window visit. If you would like to book or have any questions about visitation, please contact our Recreation Manager Sandy Kaethler at skaethler@retirmentconcepts.com. We are happy to assist with virtual visits via FaceTime and we can arrange for phone calls with your loved ones.
If you have a request, or something that is needed to assist a resident, please let us know. Our Team at PPSV is here and we are stepping it up to help our residents in the absence of regular visits from their family and friends. Please let us know in advance if there is something you need assistance with.
We will now be to sending out a weekly letter every Thursday to communicate to all the families. We will also post the weekly updates under our Retirement Concepts Covid-19 Updates on our website. You are welcome to share the newsletter we send to you with other friends & family members. |
Christmas Presents
If you wish to buy your loved one a Christmas present can we offer a suggestion of everyday essentials. Food and chocolates are discouraged where possible. If you are stuck please do not hesitate to ask one of the care aids or Nurses. They know specifically the needs and wishes of each resident.
Deliveries and Drop-offs:
All deliveries will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suites. Delivery times are below.
Deliveries: kindly press the button at the speaker (to your left) to inform our team if you’ve delivered an item in the lobby vestibule. Please label your delivery with resident name, and we will ensure sanitizing and delivery to loved one.
Monday- Sunday 10am-2pm:
All deliveries will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suites. Delivery times are below.ENSURE IT IS LABELLED WITH THE RESIDENT NAME & ROOM NUMBER.
Essential Services include:
Onsite Hair Salon
We are thankful to Our Residents, Families, Staff and Essential Health Service Providers at Peace Portal Seniors Village. We also wish to acknowledge our entire leadership and front-line team for their loving and united efforts and support to ensure the safety of your loved ones.
Any questions or concerns please contact General Manager – Erick Bautista : ebautista@retirementconcepts.com : Direct Line: 604-542-8260