March 23, 2020
To all Family Members:
The following information outlines continued measures in place with respect to the COVID- 19 situation at Dufferin Care Centre.
Status Update
Just a quick update on all the residents at Dufferin Care Centre. The eight residents impacted by the Covid 19 virus are all doing well. Of these residents, two remain with a slight cough. We continue to wait on the results from the swabs that were submitted to the lab on the weekend. None of the eight have fever or respiratory distress at this time. The families of the eight residents have all been contacted with an update on their loved-one. All other 147 residents present with no Covid 19 signs or symptoms.
Again, I want to thank everyone for their continue support of the staff during this difficult time. We will continue to communication with all families via e-mail. We will also continue to call each of the eight family members by phone on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s. If there are any changes between these calls, families will be updated immediately.
Lockdown at Dufferin Care Centre
As mentioned previously, the community remains of mandatory lockdown. Thank you for respecting this decision.
Today staffing levels are good. We do have a couple of positions short, however, staff are pulling together to meet resident care needs. The staff at Dufferin Care Centre have been pulling together as a team. It’s been amazing to watch this occurring during a challenge time.
We currently have enough supplies to manage day-to-day. I do want to mention that the Coquitlam Chinese Society dropped off about 1000 masks. This donation was very much appreciated and is a great demonstration of people and groups giving back to their community. We are very grateful for this unexpected generosity.
Again, I know this is a stressful time for everyone involved. I want to thank all families for working with us during this time. We can only do this as a team to reduce the risk to our residents and staff.