Hello everyone, October 28, 2020
We hope everyone is enjoying the blustery Fall weather. NSV updates:
- It is flu season once again! Care Rx Pharmacy will be at NSV on November 4th and 5th, 2020 with flu clinics. Vaccines will be available to all residents and all staff. If residents are still needing a signed consent form, now is the time to get it in. Or, bring it with you when you come for your vaccine.
- LTC has emailed out all of the primary nursing assignments to Families, we are looking at primary assignments for the Care Aides and Recreation Aides as well.
- Amy Kivell our new Recreation Manager has recruited a new Recreation Therapist for LTC – Megan Webber and the 4/5 Recreation Aides have been filled. Amy is working on filling the 5th
- Celia Carson, new registered Dietician in LTC, has been busy getting to know Residents and has been reviewing their Nutritional Care plans.
- Our Recreation Department is currently planning for some fun activities for upcoming Halloween. LTC: There will be Socials on the floor with Halloween treats. Staff will be in costume and residents will be able to vote on best costumes. Assisted Living there will be a door decorating contest and Residents will be able to pick up a treat bag. At Highgate there will be a happy hour at 3pm and a Halloween costume contest and photo booth.
- Our culinary team is making a special lunch for LTC and Assisted Living on Friday.
- We are still trying to recruit Recreation Staff with a class 4 license so that we can look at resuming bus trips at Assisted Living and independent living. (Bus trips will be approved as long as we can follow all CoVid protocols as set out by Island Health)
- We are going to trial the opening of the Bistro at A/L starting November 2nd. The Bistro will be open between 8am-10am Monday to Friday. We will have a staff available to assist with coffee and snacks
A Note from Our Social Worker Anna Martin: Elections Canada was here for 3 days and because of the incredible teamwork we were able to actively support this important process. Many of the people living in the Village took the time to place their vote and we even had some staff stop by. A big thank you to the Recreation team for coming together to show their support and enthusiasm throughout this fast paced election.
Designated Visitors:
As a reminder, smoking is not permitted anywhere on the NSV property.
If you are the Designated Visitor for anyone in Long Term Care:
- Call 250-760-2444 or email – nsv-familyvisits@retirementconcepts.com
- When you hear the main greeting, please press 7.
- You will be directed to the new mailbox where you can leave a message. Please remember to state your name, whom you wish to visit and a phone number where you can be reached.
****After your visit you will exit the LTC facility by entering 1199#
For family wanting to visit loved ones in the Assisted Living please contact Reception A/L 250-760-2321.
Visits are be set up for one designated family member at a time following this process:
- Designated visitor will self-screen prior to attending at https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en
- Family member will meet our reception staff at the front door of the appropriate building.
- We will need to record your temperature and you will be required to sign in and answer some pre-screened questions.
- A medical grade mask will be provided for each visitor, and all visitors are asked to sanitize your hands.
- You will need to wear the face mask provided and you will directed to your loved ones room.
- In order to reduce exposure risks by asking that you enter and exit point A to point B. Please do not enter any of the common areas for the Residents.
- If you are ill or not feeling well please cancel your visit and stay home
There will be no changes for families wanting to visit loved ones in Palliative Care.
Concerns can be sent directly to the General Manager who will assist you with resolution. tdouglas@retirementconcepts.com
- Facetime/skype sessions for out of town please contact nsvrecreation@retirementconcepts.com or call 250-760-2616 for LTC and for Assisted Living, they can call Amy or Gina in recreation at 250-760-2515 to book an appointment.
- If you were you receiving a weekly facetime/skype and you are now the designated visitor, the facetime/skype calls will cease until further notice. If you are out of town and unable to be here in person, please see above.
Thank you everyone and stay safe,