
January 19, 2021


Hi everyone!  The dates for the CoVid vaccine have been changed by Island Health.  Public Health Nurses will be administering the vaccine on January 21st for LTC Residents and January 24th for Assisted Living Residents.

A note from our Social Worker:

The vaccines are rolling out to staff and residents of Long Term Care and Assisted Living. This is a very exciting time for it provides some light at the end of this very long, and sometimes gruelling tunnel. Times have changed the way we develop policy and procedures but not the way in which we continue to deliver client centered care for your loved ones. The vaccines are a part of our tool kit to help stop the spread however hand washing and wearing a mask remain our main defensive against the virus.

Island Health has created different visiting designations in order to minimize the potential exposures to COVID-19 for people living in care. But let’s face it! Whether you fall under the title of Designated, Social or Essential visitor every family member and friend are an integral part of the health care team. We are looking forward to opening our doors and reuniting all of you with your loved ones as soon as it is safe to do so. At this time there are no plans to make any changes to the visiting guidelines.

The Moderna vaccine will be offered to the residents of LTC on January, 21th and AL on the 24th. Essential visitors are being offered the vaccine and will be contacted by Island Health to set up an appointment time. There is a roll out plan to offer the vaccine to all designated visitors and community members however, at this time, no dates or details have been shared.

“Often the end of the race is the hardest part, but it won’t last forever. For now, we must redouble our efforts at this pivotal moment and get this done.” Dr. Theresa Tam

Anna Martin, RSW


We have had a lot of questions about visitors wanting to see their loved ones.  We are encouraging Essential and Designated Visitors to connect with other family members via facetime and skype during their visits.  Instructions will be written out and provided by the Screeners.



We are doing our very best to improve service and quality of life.  We are asking that everyone do their part in order to keep the Residents safe.  Please ensure you are limiting your risk of exposure by keeping interactions within your core bubble.  Visitors please note that parking is limited.  We are unable to allow access to enter at the back of the building so staff and visitors are required to walk around the building to the front entrance for screening.  Please allow yourself plenty of time prior to your visit.  Please see the attached diagram with the green arrows for ways to access the front entrance.

As a reminder, smoking is not permitted anywhere on the NSV property.   We are adhering to strict protocols, you will be required to wear the face mask provided to you, which must be worn at all times during the duration of your visit.  Please ensure that you are going directly to and from your visit.

Please ensure you self -screen prior to attending at https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en

If you are ill or not feeling well please cancel your visit and stay home.  We can arrange for a face time visit instead.

Visits are set up for one designated family member following this process: