Hello everyone, November 25, 2020
We would like to express our gratitude to all of you for your patience during this difficult time. We realize that all of our lives have been impacted by this Pandemic. Please know that we are doing all that we can to keep your loved ones safe. As you are aware on November 19th Bonnie Henry announced new restrictions for the Province.
We are currently planning and making arrangements for a festive Christmas season within the scope of the MHO directives. Staff have been busy decorating and setting up Christmas lights and planning festivities. We have ramped up a full recreation department and they are busy planning for Online Concerts such as the Nutcracker Suite and other festive shows that can be shared in small groups at a time.
We have been asked about why NSV Residents are not required to wear a mask when in common areas of NSV. We received further information from Island Health regarding wearing of masks however they still are not mandating Residents of LTC or Assisted Living to wear masks. They are within their social bubble living in the community and social distancing is maintained.
We have sent out communications to both our staff and Residents regarding the importance of minimizing our social interactions and recreational activities. Crowded places increase the risk of transmission. We are reminding everyone to be aware of the need to social distance at all times. Staff are required to Wash their hands and wear their mask unless they are eating or drinking in the designated break areas.
We are all in this together and we continue to focus our efforts on slowing the spread.
We are asking that everyone do their part in order to keep the Residents safe. Please ensure you are limiting your risk of exposure by keeping interactions within your core bubble. Visitors please note that parking is limited. We are unable to allow access to enter at the back of the building so staff and visitors are required to walk around the building to the front entrance for screening. Please allow yourself plenty of time prior to your visit. Please see the attached diagram with the green arrows for ways to access the front entrance.
As a reminder, smoking is not permitted anywhere on the NSV property. We are adhering to strict protocols, you will be required to wear the face mask provided to you, which must be worn at all times during the duration of your visit. Please ensure that you are going directly to and from your visit.
Please ensure you self -screen prior to attending at https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en
If you are ill or not feeling well please cancel your visit and stay home. We can arrange for a face time visit instead.
Visits are set up for one designated family member following this process:
If you are the Designated Visitor for anyone in Long Term Care:
For family wanting to visit loved ones in the Assisted Living please contact Reception A/L 250-760-2321 between 7:30 am – 4:30 pm (new reception hours)
There will be no changes for families wanting to visit loved ones in Palliative Care.
Concerns can be sent directly to the General Manager who will assist you with resolution. tdouglas@retirementconcepts.com
Thank you everyone and stay safe,
The Leadership Team at Nanaimo Seniors’ Village