Hello Everyone, May 27, 2020
We continue to appreciate all that you and your loved ones are doing to heed the precautions put in place to alleviate risk of exposure to COVID-19. We are relieved to tell you that there are no cases of reported outbreak nor signs nor symptoms of COVID-19 in any of our residents or staff here at Nanaimo Seniors’ Village.
As the Province begins the transition that will see some of the rules relaxed, a gentle reminder that we continue to following the direction of our provincial Health Officer, Bonnie Henry, and our no visitor policy remains in place. We understand your eagerness to come and visit your loved ones but at this time our no visitor policy remains the same.
We continue to follow the direction of our public health officials to the letter and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the following protocols are being adhered to
Due to social distancing orders we are encouraging family members and loved ones to connect with your family member via telephone call, or FACETIME or SKYPE.
To inquire about facetime/skype or phone calls or if you want to write a letter or send a picture for us to print, please contact the Recreation Department in Complex Care by email at: nsvrecreation@retirementconcepts.com or call 250-760-2616. For Assisted and Independent Living, you can contact our Manager of Recreation Therapy, Tracey Leslie at tleslie@retirementconcepts.com or call 250-760-2316 and we would be happy to do that for you.
The Recreation staff are conducting 1:1 visits and activities. This could look like time in the gym, walking outdoors (weather dependent), reading, discussing news, trivia, puzzles, tea/coffee social, crafts, card games etc. They are also going room-to-room while using appropriate PPE to check on the residents and to drop off activities to keep resident minds sharp. Again, please remind and motivate your loved ones to participate in these different activities.
Please note that we are in the midst of recruiting additional activity aids and Recreation Staff. We are excited to announce the slow return of small group Recreation Activities. We are happy to be able to gather again, but there are some very stringent parameters that must be in place to ensure each tenant and staff member is safe.
A big thank you to everyone for working so hard to keep Nanaimo’s Senior’s Village safe and healthy, as well as for the kindness, understanding and support you share.
Stay Safe everyone,
The Leadership Team