Hello everyone, May 8, 2020
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers and Grandmothers this Sunday!
We appreciate all that you and your loved ones are doing to heed the precautions put in place to alleviate risk of exposure to CoVid-19. I am relieved to tell you that there are no cases of reported outbreak nor signs nor symptoms of CoVid-19 in any of our residents or staff here at Nanaimo Seniors’ Village.
On Mother’s Day we will be celebrating with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. As a reminder please note the following announcement from Island Health regarding Mother’s Day:
“In consultation with Infection Control and the Medical Health Officer it was determined accepting floral arrangements would be appropriate – provided they meet typical facility and organizational policy regarding scents. Cards are also acceptable.”
As a reminder we will be having a drive by of The Smokin’ Oldies Vintage Car Club at about 3pm. Staff will assist Residents to get to their windows so that they can enjoy the parade of antique cars as they drive through our village.
This weekend is supposed to be beautiful. We are setting up chairs in our patio areas so the Residents can enjoy the outdoors. We will ensure these areas are set up according to Social Distancing guidelines so that everyone is safe.
Please note that we will be providing updates from the Family Council meetings. We realize that some of you cannot come in person so we will be fanning out the agenda and minutes to everyone for their review.
Island Health has advised that in the event a resident should test positive (confirmed case), they will be transferred to a COVID-19 cohort unit in acute care at a designated hospital (RJH, NRGH or CVH). This is a further precautionary measure Island Health has made to keep people safe.
We are following the direction of our public health officials to the letter and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the following protocols are being adhered to:
This is a reminder that if you would like information on your Family Member’s Health Status you will need to call your relatives nursing unit as follows:
A Wing 1st. Floor (Rooms 101 – 115) – 250-585-9111
C/D Wing 1st. Floor (Rooms 116 – 145) – 250-760-2308
E/F Wing 1st. Floor (Rooms 146 – 175) – 250-760-2309
A Wing 2nd. Floor (Rooms 201 – 215) – 250-585-9113
C/D Wing 2nd. Floor (Rooms 216 – 245) – 250-760-2312
E/F Wing 2nd. Floor (Rooms 246 – 275) –250-760-2313
Voicemail messages can be left and our LPNs are committed to return calls on the same day.
Recreation Staff:
Due to social distancing orders we are discouraging window visits at this time and are encouraging family members and loved ones to connect with your family member via telephone call, or FACETIME or SKYPE.
In order to assist you with telephone conversations we are offering to activate the phone line in the rooms of the LTC building. This offer is temporary while we have the Social Distancing orders and will be offered at no charge. If you wish to bring in a phone and have it activated please contact Karen Close for arrangements. She can be reached at 250-760-2303.
Once the phone is connected you can contact the recreation department to arrange assistance with the calls. They can be reached by email at nsvrecreation@retirementconcepts.com or telephone by calling (250) 760-2616 to leave your message.
Stay Safe everyone,
Tina Douglas,
General Manager