
Good day everyone, we would like to provide you with an update as of May 6, 2020 from Nanaimo Senior’s Village.

We’re are happy to report that there are no Residents or Staff presenting with any CoVid-19 related symptoms. However we are continuing to follow the guidelines outlined by the Medical Health Officer’s by staying at home and practicing social distancing.

On Saturday May 9th we will have a drive by visit from a car club called The Smokin Oldies.  We are hopeful that residents will be able to see them cruise through the village at about 3pm with the vintage cars.

Our wonderful chef Mike is cooking up something extra special for Mother’s day this Sunday. Lunch will be a choice of waffles and sausages or ham sandwiches and pickles, Dinner will be a choice of turkey or lasagna. Additionally, Mike is planning to surprise the Residents with chocolate covered strawberries and champagne.

Our Recreation Department is excited to continue to provide one-on-one Facetime, Skype and phone calls for families, so please get in contact to arrange a time.

The sunny weather allows for strolls out in the fresh air with physical distancing at the fore front. The residents have also been enjoying word games and puzzles, as well as watching documentaries and movies. We have started planning for our gardening needs and are looking forward to residents getting the opportunity to bring out their creative sides with some painting projects. We also have a new arts and crafts cart and are encouraging some resident-artists to paint designs on it.

We received a wonderful gift of flowers from Save On Foods, Woodgrove last week and were able to distribute some flowers to your loved ones. Everyone seemed to really enjoy receiving flowers knowing that spring is finally here.

We celebrated our amazing staff this week with a lovely lunch. As you know, they really have gone the extra mile for the community and the residents. It is very nice to be a part of a team that puts the needs of those they are supporting above their own. They have worked tirelessly to ensure your loved ones are safe, well cared for and happy. I know that you will all join me in extending thanks to this amazing group of people, and we are all very lucky to have them.

Please stay healthy and well.

We are looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

Tina Douglas

General Manager, Nanaimo Senior’s Village