Dear Guildford Seniors Village Community,
As per recent announcements released in media yesterday by Dr. Bonnie Henry that visitation will change on July 19th – please know that we are guided by & await Health Authority to communicate any change in protocols in regards to change in visitation. We will update you with any changes.
Please be advised that our weekly updates will be halted for now and will commence only if any we begin to experience COVID or have any protocol changes.
We will resume to communicate as per pre-covid with our monthly newsletter & recreation calendar, 1:1 meetings, Family Council meetings, emails and telephone calls, and also see you at your visits with your loved ones.
We continue vigilance in infection control, welcome visitors by appointment, and celebrate that no resident has experienced Covid to-date.
We thank you each of you for continued collaboration. Our respect in mutual advocacy.
A Rose to Welcome Every Visitor!
You create ‘Community’ – Thank you for celebrating our 20th Anniversary with us! July 13 2021
Family Visitors – our community welcomes you to a ‘drink & donut take out’ at our lobby entrance- please call us to RSVP 604-582-0808
We look forward to treating residents & staff with a celebratory menu of delicious & healthy BBQ, refreshments & cake.
Strict compliance to all protocols in place corporately as well as directives of the health authorities, continues at Guildford Seniors Village. This includes preventative & enhanced infection control, monitoring residents’ & staff health closely, and visitor designations.
We are continuing to explore ways we can increase the number of visit appointments. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and for all of the encouragement and support you have provided as a GSV Family. Please continue to wear your mask during entirety of your visit for maximum safety to residents.
VISITATION continues by Appointment (minimum 48 hours notice):
Please refer to guidance below to make your Visit or Outing Arrangements.
TO SCHEDULE YOUR VISIT OR OUTING please contact: or 604-582-0808 ext 203
With respect to all residents & community, please continue to adhere to all Covid prevention protocols with hand hygiene, lobby Pre-Screen Health Check & of wearing mask at all times.
No Drop Ins.
o In Person visit – meeting space is in your loved one’s suite. Pets Welcome!
ü Public Health protocol of 3 visitors at one time (2 adults; 1 youth under 18 years of age).
Please take direct path to resident suite and not enter common area or Dining Rooms
o Virtual Visitation (i.e Skype, Zoom, Facetime & phone calls)
ü phone & virtual visits are encouraged & offered for loved ones who do not live locally or rely on virtual supports.
ü If you live locally, an in-person visit is encouraged.
o Planned Outing
ü Only visitors who are on the “Resident Access List” are permitted to remove residents from the secured building on an approved & scheduled basis.
ü Recreation who will confirm scheduled date with Nurses that Resident is able to continue with outing (i.e. resident wellness, essential medical appointment)
o SEND MESSAGES OR PHOTOS Email your messages & photos to your loved one to or 604-582-0808 ext 203.
o FOR VISITORS WHO DO NOT USE EMAIL OR ARE HEARING IMPAIRED Visits can be booked on site, with a minimum of 24 hours in advance.
o COMPASSIONATE OR ESSENTIAL VISITS – SUPPORT IN CARE If your loved one is transitioning in their Life Journey, the Care Team will reach out to Resident Decision Maker in collaboration, to notify and arrange visit.
o ESSENTIAL SUPPORT Care Team will reach out with recommendations for Essential support.
o TO REACH NURSES please email Nurses GSV
Nurses will return your message, in between resident care, and will contact you if an emergency. Thank you!
Deliveries at Lobby Entrance:
ü Please label your delivery with resident name & suite number, and we will ensure sanitizing and delivery to loved one.
ü Kindly press the button at the speaker (to your left) to inform our team if you’ve delivered an item in the lobby vestibule.
ü Do You Know we offer an in-house convenient Laundry Labelling Service (a la carte $2 per items; steam pressed to endure industrial washer & dryers).
Let us know if we can assist you!
Essential Services include:
Celebrating Guildford Seniors Village 20th Anniversary!
Spring Minestrone Soup
Burgers- Chicken/ Beef/ Veg
Coleslaw Salad
Potato Chips
~ Refreshments & Cake
Maple Garden Festivities with Sunshine, Balloons, Bubbles, Music & Deliciousness
Have you heard about City of Surrey’s READ -Ability Program?
The City of Surrey has resumed their 4 week delivery and pick up books & ‘talking’ audio-books.
If you would like to sign your loved one up for this program, please find the registration form attached (please submit to Library- contact info is at top left of form).
SAVE THE DATE! Bring a Guest by Zoom!
Thursday, July 22nd 3:30pm to 4:30pm.
“Living Life is Living Grief” Benefit from Grief Education presented by Jessica, from BC Bereavement.
This is an excellent presentation of knowledge & understanding that you will not want to miss.
Meet the Leadership Team for Department Updates & as a Resource for your support.
To RSVP, please email Sandra Barr or call 604-582-0808 ext 125 for your Zoom invite.
Have Any Questions?
Please call us at 604-582-0808 and we will direct your call.
Celebrating 20 Years creating Home Sweet Home!
Special thank you Mary Rose, Recreation Team Extraordinaire for handcrafting Anniversary Sign
Wall of Fame; Wall of Love
We wish you continued health excellence,
from All of Us in Guildford Seniors Village