
Dear Guildford Community,


We remain in “Enhanced Monitoring” in the Arbutus Neighborhood at this time:

This means we are not on outbreak but are on heightened precautions & extra preventative measures.

We will continue under this protocol until the required “infection free” time has passed. We will update you when we know the date.

There are no new cases and no staff or residents are presenting with any symptoms.


The below is repeat of the background information to date.

Please find important information about Guildford Seniors Village’s First & Second Floor Neighborhoods below.

Second Floor Community- Arbutus Neighborhood Only:  as per Public Health guidance, Enhanced Monitoring & Droplet Precaution protocols are implemented as below:

gsv-familyvisits@retirementconcepts.com   or 604-582-0808 ext 203


VISITATION (in Person or Virtual) by Appointment  is OPEN for:

First Floor Community   Dogwood (suites 101 to 113C) & Maple Neighborhood (suites 119 to 135C)

Second Floor Rosewood Neighborhood  (Suites 201 t0 222)

Please email 24 to 48 hours in advance to schedule & confirm date and time of your:

gsv-familyvisits@retirementconcepts.com   or 604-582-0808 ext 203.

No Drop Ins.

*scheduling subject to staff cohort availability, thank you for understanding


Compassionate Or Essential Visits Continue:  Support in Care


For any questions, please contact General Manager



Strict compliance to all protocols in place corporately as well as directives of the health authorities, continues at Guildford Seniors Village.

This includes preventative & enhanced infection control, monitoring residents’ & staff health closely, and visitor designations.

Deliveries at Lobby Entrance:

Essential Services include:


A special Mother’s Day Menu ensured a culinary delightful experience for all on Sunday, May 9th:

Breakfast:          Strawberry Crepe w/ whipped cream, Bacon , Oatmeal

Lunch:                Tomato Soup, Ham & Spinach Frittata, Fresh Fruit , Strawberry Ice Cream

Dinner:               Roasted Herb Turkey, Mashed Potato, Buttered Broccoli & Cauliflower, Strawberry Cream Pie 

#ohYUM  #MomsRuleEveryDay



We welcome back Connie Jorsvik of https://patientpathways.ca/   to answer your questions about navigation in healthcare & the role of decision makers in loved one’s care.

Part 2:  “Advance Care Planning”

May 20, 2021   3:30pm – 4:30pm   RSVP

Planning your decision making for yourself or loved one, is an act of creating personal power   

To RSVP, please email sbarr@retirementconcepts.com or call 604-582-0808 ext 125. 

Meet the Leadership Team for Department Updates & as a Resource for your support.

Especially valuable for loved ones & caregivers & clarity, as a vital aspect of optimal living. Bring a Guest by Zoom!


Are you wishing to gift an experience to your loved one living in Guildford Seniors Village?

Consider our Guildford Seniors Village Gift Certificates.

Services at this time include:

Call 604-580-4283 Sandra to inquire further. 


Happy 2021 National Nurses Week May 10 to 16!

This year’s theme of ‘A Voice To Lead’ captures the vital contributions & specialty that we treasure.

YES!   We respect the skillset, heart and dedication of each Nurse’s specialty in GSV and around the world.

Our deepest THANK YOU!


Have Any Questions?

Please call us at 604-582-0808 and we will direct your call. 


We wish you continued health excellence,

from All of Us in Guildford Seniors Village