
To all Family Members and Friends of Dufferin Care Centre,


We would like to remind you of our Family Council Meeting today, June 17th at 3:30 pm. (please note time change) If you would like to join the meeting please contact mtoth@retirementconcets.com


Happy Father’s Day to all of our Dad’s! We will be doing photos for all of our dad’s at Dufferin Care Centre. It will be a fun celebration for the residents.


Be Bear Aware: We have had two sightings of bears within the last week. Please ensure you are aware of your surroundings. We know a few families will have picnics in the parking lot or near by areas, please ensure you don’t leave any food or drinks as it will attract the bears.


We are happy to welcome families back into Dufferin Care Centre. Please be reminded you are required to wear your mask during your visit with your loved one, even in the gardens and resident suites. Keep in mind if you are going to the resident suite, you must remain in there during the duration of your visit. You are not allowed to visit in the common areas. .

If you are not capable of adhearing to the guidelines, we encourage you to use skype or facetime for your visit. We regreat to inform you that if guidelines are not followed, your visit will be ended immediately.


We continue to screen any family member that comes into the community. To request a Day Outing, or visitation times/dates email this address dcc-familyvisits@retirementconcepts.com or call 604-472-4151 for visitation. Please include your name, contact telephone number, and name of resident in your email. Allow 24-48 hours for reply.


If at any time, your loved one is contact traced or starts to exhibit symptoms, you will be contacted by phone and informed of the next steps.



**Delivery hours are between 9 am-4 pm Monday-Saturday**

All deliveries will be received at the lobby entrance. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the residents’ suite.

  1. Please use plastic bags, not reusable bags;
  2. Please label all bags with the resident’s name, suite number, and date it was packaged;
  3. If you are dropping off food for your loved one, according to Fraser Health’s directive the items must be non-perishable ONLY (must be consumed immediately, we cannot store any non-dried goods).
  4. If possible, please sanitize the items before dropping off. We will re-sanitize as well to be safe.


Dufferin Care Centre Team