To all Family Members:
We are happy to announce we remain COVID FREE!
We are proud to say that Dufferin Care Centre and one of our front-line care aids Rosario Gatasi was featured in the Hospital Employee Union Winter 2020 Magazine. Thank you to all of the staff at Dufferin Care Centre for your amazing hard work and dedication. As Rosario mentioned in the magazine the most important thing was that “we were really helping each other”. Our appreciation is extended to the residents and families for your patience and understanding during these difficult times. If you would like to read the full article please go to:
Many of you have been asking when the residents will receive their second Covod-19 vaccine. We are awaiting direction from Fraser Health. As we are provided information, we will share this with all families. There is no set date at this time.
Please kindly remember before your visit to ensure you complete the pre-screening questionnaire. If you are feeling unwell, have a temperature, have been in contact with someone who is covid positive or have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days, to kindly reschedule your visit.
We continue to schedule visits for families 7 days a week. We offer Facetime, Window and In-Person visits. Please kindly send your request for an appointment to have a visit at or by our new designated phone number if this is more convenient for you, the number is 604-472-4151. Please keep in mind that appointments for visits can be made Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm only.
Please kindly note, if you are dropping off food for your loved one, according to Fraser Health’s directive the items must be non-perishable ONLY (must be consumed immediately, we cannot store any non-dried goods). Please ensure the non-perishable items have the name of the resident, room number and date it was packaged. Flowers are being accepted.
Have a wonderful week!