To our extended family,
We hope that you are all doing well. Summer is here and we are happy to make the most of it. We are still on lock down but as a result of the provincial announcement last week to create a new visitor policy, we are working to address the requirements as early as possible and as soon as we have detailed information to safely received visitors, we will update all the families.
We are devotedly adhering to health authority/BCCDC protocols in Infection Prevention and Control such as screening all staff before shift starts, wearing PPE at all times around residents, social distancing, screening all residents every shift, isolating sick residents, hand hygiene is enforced, enhanced sanitation of high touched areas hourly.
Our dear families and friends kindly check our visitation guide lines and fliers so you will be aware of what to expect when you come.
Our utmost duty and responsibility is to keep residents and staff safe at all times. As we have mentioned in the past that we have started small group activities and enjoyed a socially distanced Canada Day barbecue.
No date is announced yet but when it is, Remember to call or email Sandy to book your visit. We would like to remind you to please do not come when you when you are sick. We have come this far to keep Peace Portal Seniors Village COVID-Free, your loved ones and all staff. We thank you for your patience and support… Take care everyone, from all of us PPSV family!