
November 7, 2020


Dear Families of our Long term care residents


We are sad to tell you that 7 of our residents on the third floor of our long term care building have tested positive for COVID-19.

We have one resident test pending and 31 residents have tested negative.


This is contained on the third floor of our Long Term Care.

All families of the residents affected have been called and updated as how their loved one is doing.


Following the direction of the Medical Health Officer and Fraser Health, the residents will remain in their rooms with dedicated care staff.

An abundance of extra precautions continue to be in place for the entire community.


There are 3 staff members that tested positive and they will remain at home while they are ill


Please know that the care and safety of residents is our number one priority, and that we treat this situation very seriously.

We will call you if there are any changes in your loved ones condition.


As a result of the confirmed cases of COVID-19, we will provide our long term care families with a daily email update.


The independent living side of our building remains COVID Free. There have been no changes to the Independent living side of our building.



Please be patient. We may not be able to answer your calls or emails right way as our staff are focused on the safe care of our residents


To limit exposure, onsite social visitations and all group activities are paused on the Long term side of our building


We encourage you to book a virtual visit (Face time or skype) or arrange a phone call to keep connected with your loved ones.


We will do whatever we can to facilitate this as it is very important and meaningful to keep in touch

To book your visit, facetime/skype or phone calls, please contact our Visitation coordinators at our screening desk by calling 604-541-4663 ext 215 or emailing WRSV-familyvisits@retirementconcepts.com



All deliveries continue to be received at the screening door that is located just north of the Maple street Entrance.  . All items are sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suites.

When dropping items off:  We ask families to please follow the guidelines below in order to ensure that your parent or loved one gets their deliveries in a timely manner:

  1. Please use plastic bags, no reusable bags;
  2. Make sure to label all bags with the resident’s name and room number; and
  3. Try to limit drop-offs to essential items.




We wish to thank staff, residents and families for their cooperation and understanding as we move through this difficult period.


From The White Rock Seniors Village Team