
To all Family Members:

We are happy to announce we remain COVID FREE!

Yesterday, January 27th was National Chocolate Cake Day! We shared Chocolate Cake with the residents and staff. For those who had texture modifications we had a Chocolate Mousse. It was a lot of fun, and the residents had chocolatey smiles –the best kind!

We will be starting our Family Council next month over Zoom! Our family council is where our families will come together to get their general questions answered, bring forth ideas, and identify and resolve issues within the community affecting all residents, plan activities and support one another. We will have our first meeting on February 18th at 6 pm. If you are interested in signing up, or want more information please reach out to the Community Relations Manager at mtoth@retirementconcepts.com.


We will continue to provide families with a weekly email update that will also be posted under COVID updates on our Retirement Concepts website.

Visitor Policy Reminder


The recreation team are preparing activities to ensure residents can have fun, exercise and socialize with each other in our community. Arts and crafts, exercise, sing-alongs and manicures are just some of the programs that we are enjoying in smaller group activities.


Aside from the single visitor policy, we are following the direction of our public health officials and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the following protocols are being adhered to:


We will continue to act upon their latest advice, and will adapt our operations as necessary and recommended.


**Delivery hours are between 9 am-4 pm Monday-Saturday**

All deliveries will be received at the lobby entrance. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the residents’ suite.

  1. Please use plastic bags, not reusable bags;
  2. Please label all bags with the resident’s name, suite number, and date it was packaged;
  3. If you are dropping off food for your loved one, according to Fraser Health’s directive the items must be non-perishable ONLY (must be consumed immediately, we cannot store any non-dried goods).
  4. If possible, please sanitize the items before dropping off. We will re-sanitize as well to be safe.

Have a sweet week!