
Hello White Rock Seniors Village RC Families – June 19th, 2020 Update


White Rock Seniors Village remains Covid-19 free and as always, we appreciate your understanding by communicating through Skype and Facetime while we are unable to welcome visitors. Please contact Jessica in recreation to set up a time for this type of call jsendler@retirementconcepts.com


As the Province begins the transition that will see some of the rules relaxed, a gentle reminder that we continue to follow the direction of our provincial Health Officer, Bonnie Henry, and our no visitor policy remains in place. We understand your eagerness to come and visit your loved ones but at this time our no visitor policy remains the same.


We continue to follow the direction of our public health officials to the letter and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the following protocols are being adhered to.


We have started small group therapeutic recreation activities in Long Term Care. These activities will be hosted by our LTC Recreation Aides and will be adhering to all precautionary measures such as prescreening questions, social distancing, and thorough sanitization of the activity space before and after each activity. We are excited to start activities such as exercise, charades, music etc. with our residents in Long Term Care!


Reminders for your loved-one to Stay Safe:

Again, the following four points are so critical to discuss with your loved ones. Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:

  1. Practice social distancing (6 feet apart)
  2. Perform proper Hand Hygiene (Wash hands frequently for 20 seconds with the alcohol-based sanitizer or soap and hot water) 20 second or greater is so important.
  3. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  4. If exhibiting any symptoms (fever, cough and difficulty breathing) please alert staff immediately.


Wishing all our families a warm and heartfelt Father’s Day.

We will have all of our dad’s wear ties for a picture to email to you.

Root Beer floats are part of the fun!


Here is how our team feels about what we do at White Rock Seniors Village.

Our Home

Grows and Gives

Laughs and Listens

Forgives and Forgets

Teaches and Trusts

Believes and Belongs

Dreams and Discovers

Imagines and Inspires

Care and Comforts

Hugs and Helps

Shares and Smiles

Wishes and Wonders

Tries and Triumphs

Enjoys and Embraces

Lives and Learns

But above all we LOVE.


Please note; effective next week and for the duration of the summer months, we will be moving to a weekly family email update schedule.


As always, stay safe, stay healthy, wash your hands often and stay informed.

From Nancy and The White Rock Seniors Village Team