White Rock Seniors Village LTC UPdate
Hello RC Families
White Rock Seniors Village remains Covd-19 free.
We are nearing the end of May and a new month is ahead.
I wonder what will June bring? Out in the community, stores are opening and people are returning to their jobs.
Schools will have some students on site again. Where does that leave WRSV?
Currently, we have not lifted our restrictions to visitors, this restriction is still mandated by the provincial government and the health authority.
We will be taking a conservative approach, we will be watching what happens in the community. When the restriction will be lifted, we won’t be lifting the restriction here for a couple of weeks.
We need to stay vigilant to keep your loved ones safe. Everyone is good here, the residents are all healthy and are enjoying getting out in the sun.
We are very lucky to have the dedicated staff that we have and we are one big family, this includes your loved ones.
Stay safe, stay healthy, wash your hands often and stay informed.
Nancy Tunner, RN | Director of Care
T: 604-531-2273 x 115 | C: 604-365-8656 | F: 604-531-8782