
May 18, 2020



Memo to White Rock Seniors Village – Independent Living Residents


From Denise and The Leadership Team


Dear Residents


We want to share some information about changes that we are making at our community to keep our residents safe.


At the direction of the Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and in collaboration with Fraser Health, we are implementing the single site order, which requires staff to work at only one health care site.


The health and safety of our residents and staff are a priority for us and we want you to know that we have been making the necessary changes in a careful, thoughtful manner.


We are making plans for gradual re-opening of services in our dining room and hair salon in June so are conducting a Worksafe BC Health and Safety Plan and following the guidelines set out by the Government of BC’s Restart Plan.


We have asked residents to not go out into the community except for essential services. We recognize that residents have been affected during the lock down and we wish to assure you that our priority is resident safety and continuing to meet your needs.  We will be providing information and education in the coming days and weeks.


We know that changes regarding the re-opening can cause concern and we want to assure you that will continue to provide quality services in a safe environment for our staff, residents and their families.


Thank you for your support and understanding as we continue to provide you with information and services.






Denise Ewert,

General Manager