
White Rock Seniors Village August 7  2020


White Rock Seniors Village remains Covid-19 free.


For our LTC Families

At this time we are following the Health Authority Guidelines and still only allowing one designated family member per resident for a one time only on-site visit.  We will let you know when and if this changes.  We are still offering window and Skype visits.


Our recreation manager Jessica, has decided to spend some well-deserved time with her family and we wish her all the best in everything that her future holds.. We have a new member of our team taking over visitation requests and scheduling named Fere Mohammadi and she is our Support Services Manager. For face time and skype visits, please either call Fere at 604-541-4663 x 106 or email her at Fmohammadi@retiremetnconcepts.com

For information and to request an on-site visit, long term care families please call Nancy Tunner at 604-531-2273 x 115 and she will prescreen you over the phone. She will then pass your information onto Fere who will contact you to set up a date and time for your onsite visit.

Please remain safe, there have been spikes in cases in the community.  In order to keep everyone safe, we cannot relax our rules and hope that you are doing the same.


For our IL residents and families

Please continue to follow the protocols for visiting your loved ones in independent living

You must call Si Cussen at 604-541-4663 x 101 or Denise Ewert at 604-541-4663 x 116 Monday to Thursday 9:00 – 3:30 pm to request an inside visitation. We are encouraging everyone to limit this visit to one person at a time to help minimize exposure. There will be no visiting scheduled from 11:00 to 1:30 pm. When you do come for a scheduled visit, please go through our screening door which is located just north of our main entrance on Maple Street (By the greenhouse) and wear a mask at all times. Please do not visit if you or anyone in your household or bubble is sick.

Skype and facetime are still very popular. You can book either of these virtual visits by emailing Si at scussen@retirementconcepts.com. You do not need to book an outside visit but please wear a mask or sit more than 6 feet apart.

When you do come for a scheduled visit, please go through our screening door which is located just north of our main entrance on Maple Street (By the greenhouse) and wear a mask at all times. Please do not visit if you or anyone in your household or bubble is sick.


For all of our residents and families

Everyone who enters our building at any time of day must be screened. The screening door is located just north of the Maple Street entrance by the garden greenhouse

Thank you for your patience and understanding during these times. As always, we are following the Health Authority Guidelines and trying each and every day to keep our residents and staff safe.


From The White Rock Seniors Village Team