Welcome to the Weekly Waverly Update!
April 19th – 23rd
General Managers Message:
Thank you to all our visitors it is great having you back.
We will be opening up 1 visitor slot at 6pm for both RC and AL, and 1 visitor slot at 7 pm for both RC and AL every day of the week. The intent is to provide times for people who are not able to visit during the day. These may book up but at this time it is all we can accommodate. In addition we do not have screeners at this time, you will just need to ring the bell and the nurse will let you in. These visits must be completed by 8 pm.
I am also in the process of recruiting temporary positions for screeners on the assisted living side. The positions, once filled will allow visitors to come in through the Assisted Living side.
Jocelyn, our Recreation Manager had worked very hard in the fall to obtain a music grant. She was successful and we received a $10,000 grant this month. The grant is for a music program called the Java Club. The Java club has 3 main purposes, to give residents an opportunity to mentor one another, to provide resident support and to provide dementia care. We are looking forward to positive outcomes from this new program.
We are starting up our trips to the grocery store in the resident bus. This will be a lottery draw for seats as we have limited numbers on the bus for social distancing. Chi Gon exercise has been popular – A wonderful way for the residents to relax and stay fit. This Friday is Movie Musical and popcorn in the theater room. Always lots happening at the Waverly!
Deliveries and Drop-offs:
All deliveries will continue to be received at the front desk and will be sanitized, bagged and we will call the tenants to come and pick up their items right away. Please ensure you label all items with name and room number to ensure all packages are received as quickly as possible.
Reminders for your loved one to Stay Safe!
Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, And Stay Happy !