
To all Family Members:    

We have moved our weekly Covid-19 updates to being posted on Thursday’s from now on.

We are happy to announce our hairdresser is back as of September 23rd. Jennifer will be in Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s. We understand families will be anxious to get their loved one’s hair done, the appointments are booked by our nursing staff. We also have a new price list effective September 8, 2020 which I have attached for you. Please have confidence knowing the hairdresser has complied with the pandemic guidelines set out by Fraser Health and Dr. Bonnie Henry.

For those that attended our Seniors and Caregiver Tax Credit presentation-thank you, we had over 30 people in attendance! For those who had technical issues or could not attend but would like the information forwarded to them please reach out to, Community Relations Manager at mtoth@retirementconcepts.com or 604-351-2200.


Our residents are still loving having our dining rooms open, although at a distance it is great to see their smiling faces as they interact with each other.


We are continuing to offer our scheduled in-person visits – and All In-Person, Facetime, and Window visits will be booked BY APPOINTMENT ONLY through our new email address:  dcc-familyvisits@retirementconcepts.com. Please be patient as it may be 24-48 hours before you receive a response. We are doing our best to accommodate all residents and visitors.

We continue to only have the one designated person for in-person visits at this time, and will continue to follow the direction of Dr. Bonnie Henry.

Close monitoring of all residents and staff continues. All staff and designated visitors are screened as they enter the building. All staff continue to wear masks and goggles while they are on resident units.

We are still NOT accepting flowers at this time. All items must be dropped off Monday-Friday 9 am-4 pm, as this is when we have reception to accept the items.

We continue to accept clothing, food, and other essential items. Please ENSURE IT IS LABELLED WITH THE RESIDENT NAME, ROOM NUMBER AND DATE. We are allowing food items that are prepared at home if they are prepared in a single use food container that can be discarded afterwards, and is labelled with the name, date/time it was prepared. Unfortunately, food items that are not packaged in a single use container and not labelled appropriately, will not be provided to the resident and discarded. It is preferred that any food items brought in have a longer shelf life and do not require refrigeration and is non-perishable. If you have any questions about what can be dropped off, please reach out to, Community Relations Manager at mtoth@retirementconcepts.com or 604-351-2200.

If you have questions related to a specific resident, please address those matters to: DUFF.info@retirementconcepts.com. We will respond as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we follow the guidelines of Dr. Bonnie Henry.