Good Afternoon,
Selkirk remains COVID-19 free!
Should the status of our community change in any respect, please know that we will immediately inform all resident’s and tenant’s families/most responsible person.
All staff are wearing a medical grade mask while in the building 24/7, with the exception of when they are eating or drinking as outlined in the new policy from the Ministry of Health. Residents and Tenants are not required to wear a mask while on their neighborhood units.
We continue to facilitate Skype and FaceTime calls from all over the world including all over the USA, England, all across Canada, and even Japan. We encourage you to reach out to set up a time for a video call, and will do what we can to accommodate different time zones. See below for how to contact our Recreation Team.
The Recreation team has taken down our lovely Remembrance Day displays and is starting to sort through our Christmas decorations. It won’t be long until the building is feeling festive with Christmas spirit. The Rec staff continue to conducting 1:1 visits and small group activities. This could look like time in the gym, walking outdoors (weather dependant), time in the courtyard, reading, discussing news, trivia, puzzles, tea/coffee social, crafts, card games etc. They are also going room-to-room while using appropriate PPE to check on the residents and to drop off activities to keep resident minds sharp. Again, please remind and motivate your loved ones to participate in these different activities. The Recreation team are facilitating FaceTime and Skype to the best of their abilities, while also completing their other duties. Please note that these are the only two platforms we are able to use. Please reach out to Brian DelRaye-Recreation manager and his team by e-mail at or, or call to set up a schedule (Brian- 250-940-1028 x1102; Rec Office- 250-940-1028 x1120). They will be happy to confirm a date and time to connect you with your loved-one.
I will include again the Ministry of Health’s new policy outlining mask use. I have included the objective, definitions, guiding considerations, and mask policy for visitors in Long Term Care and Assisted Living below:
Ministry of Health Policy
Mask Use in Health Care Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Guiding Considerations
Masking guidance should be based on current evidence about the known mechanisms of COVID-19 transmission. Specifically, COVID-19 is spread by liquid droplets that come from the mouth and nose when a person coughs, sneezes, and sometimes, when a person talks.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including masks, are one part of the hierarchy of infection prevention and exposure control measures for communicable diseases. As such, PPE are supplemental to, and not replacements for other measures on the hierarchy. These other measures include, but are not limited to:
Long-Term Care/Seniors Assisted Living Settings
All visitors in a Long-Term Care facility or Seniors Assisted Living residence must wear a medical mask at all times
All social visitation goes through the Visitation Team. You can contact them at 250-940-1028 local 1125.
If you are needing to cancel or rebook your visit, please give us as much notice as possible so we can try to fit someone else in that spot. Please send an email to or via phone at local 1125. If families have questions regarding the visitations please contact Brian DelRay at local 1102, either he or another Selkirk Covid Committee member will contact you.
I realize the following has been in all the recent family letters. I leave it as I feel it is so important that everyone comply with the guidelines below, especially with the rising numbers in B.C. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you. Let us keep each other safe.
1) Be screened by the nurse or greeter prior to the trip and prior to returning to the floor 2) Comply with strict hand hygiene: Soap and water for at least 20 seconds (required when hands visibly soiled) and/or Hand sanitizer 3) Wear a surgical mask during transport 4) Comply with using transport as mechanism to get to/from medical appointments; must not ask transport to stop in between trips for social or other purposes (ie: cannot stop for coffee or to shop) | 1) Pre-screen calls to all passengers prior to transport 2) Must transport only 1 resident at a time, unless from same facility can transport up to 2 residents at a time maximizing distance seated 3) Seat the client and escort (if there is one) at the furthest distance from the driver in order to observe a 2 meter distance 4) If weather permits, keep the windows open to improve ventilation 5) Ensure vehicle is cleaned, with high touch surfaces (i.e: Drivers station, door handles, overhead grab bar, windows control buttons, lock buttons, seat locks, seat buckles/belts, seat backs, center console, arm rests, credit/debit machines) are being sanitized with appropriate disinfectant, prior to and after resident transfer. | 1) Self-Assess with BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool prior to arriving at facility 2) Be screened by the greeter with the Island Health Screening Tool 3) Limit presence in patient care areas, ideally restricting driver to stay in lobby or outside unless resident requires stretcher (attempt to limit presence inside to <15 minutes; complying with physical distancing of 6 feet) 4) Comply with strict hand hygiene: Soap and water for at least 20 seconds (required when hands visibly soiled) and/or Hand sanitizer 5) Wear surgical mask when in contact with resident (including during the car ride) | ||
Reminders for your loved one to Stay Safe:
Again, the following four points are so critical to discuss with your loved ones. Please help us by reminding your loved one of the following:
Thank You
Again I say thank you, and I hope it does not lose its meaning as I truly am thankful to those of you doing everything you can to keep yourself and everyone here at Selkirk safe. Take care, and let’s take care of each other.