Good Afternoon,
Selkirk Seniors Village continues to be COVID-19 Free! Should the status of our community change in any respect, please know that we will immediately inform all resident’s and tenant’s families or primary contact.
It is safe to say the holiday parties were a success! Residents and tenants enjoyed a lovely spread of canapés at lunch, music was playing and recreation was spreading cheer on every floor.
More handmade cards have been dropped off, this time by Island Kids Academy View Royal. I am floored by the generosity of our community! Our main floor is an absolute vision of Christmas fun with all the Montessori decorations displayed down the halls.
* All donations are being handled appropriately and are sanitized
All social visitation goes through the Visitation Team. You can contact them at 250-940-1028 local 1125.
If you are needing to cancel or rebook your visit, please give us as much notice as possible so we can try to fit someone else in that spot. Please send an email to or via phone at local 1125. If families have questions regarding the visitations please contact Brian DelRay at local 1102, either he or another Selkirk Covid Committee member will contact you.
The Recreation team are facilitating FaceTime and Skype to the best of their abilities, while also completing their other duties. Please note that these are the only two platforms we are able to use. Please reach out to Brian DelRaye-Recreation manager and his team by e-mail at or, or call to set up a schedule (Brian- 250-940-1028 x1102; Rec Office- 250-940-1028 x1120). They will be happy to confirm a date and time to connect you with your loved-one.
Reminders for your loved one to Stay Safe:
Again, the following four points are so critical to discuss with your loved ones. Please help us by reminding your loved one of the following:
Thank You
This is a Christmas unlike one we have had before. It is unbelievably tough and all I can do is thank you all for following the guidelines set by the MHO and Island Health and wish you the best this unusual season can offer.
Today’s laugh: What happens to Santa when he is trapped in a chimney? He becomes Clause-tophobic!