
Hello Everyone!

As we say good-bye on the month of April, we look forward to the May Spring time flowers and sounds of a new season. Our tenants and residents are especially excited to utilize their green thumbs in our garden boxes & see the plants flourish this season!

We are happy to report today we have no new resident or staff displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 here at Rosemary Heights Seniors Village.

With current Covid 19 numbers & risk of new variants, restrictions will remain in effect for our tenants, residents and families.  We will be continuing to follow the direction of our provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry.

Current BC Provincial Medical Health Orders can be found here and new provincial travel restrictions can be found here. Current Medical Health Orders have Travel restrictions for non-essential travel in B.C. in place to stop the spread of COVID-19 through MAY 25, 2021. Please stay local and travel only when needed.

It is so important to follow the directions to keep yourself and everyone else safe.

Please understand there are still risks associated with this and our guidelines and protocols are in place to do all we can to keep our community safe. We ask families and friends to practice safety and caution in order to keep all of our residents and team members safe and healthy during this time


Just a friendly reminder that personal taxes are due on April 30, 2021. In addition, the BC Recovery Benefit is available for your loved one through June 30, 2021. Visit the website for more information.


As a caregiver, you are not alone and you what you do is incredible. As the Pandemic continues on, remember to take care of yourselves and get that much needed self-care and support.

Family Caregivers of BC and Provincial Agencies such as the Alzheimer’s Society have great resources and workshops to handle your loved ones diagnosis & offer support. Family Caregivers of BC also has a Caregiver Support Line for emotional support at 1-877-520-3267, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 7:00 pm.


We will continue to have a Screener/Greeter at the front doors which all visitors must come to and be pre-screened, temperature taken and sign in. You will also be provided a sanitization kit that contains a medical graded cleaning wipe and ask that help do your part & clean high touch areas before you leave from your visit.  If you do not have a medical grade mask one will be provided for you. The guidelines state you can have 2 adults and 1 child (18yrs or younger) at a time in your suite following all guidelines. When the visit is over, they must sign out and go directly out. Please remind your family and friends that in order to keep everyone safe, we will continue to keep track of all visitors in the building.

For the safety of all of our residents & staff, and to minimize the possible risk of exposure we are requesting that visits occur in your loved one’s suite/room only, please do not access common areas, dining areas or walk hallways.

As a reminder, the vaccine is not 100% effective, and there are new variants going around that may not be prevented by current vaccines. Please remind your loved ones not to relax the practices of hand hygiene, physical distancing, and other safety measures that will keep them safe and healthy.



Residential Care:  If you would like to take a resident out, you must still schedule this in advance.  Please give the Nurses on the floor as much notice as possible, preferably 24hrs prior, so they can ensure your loved one is ready.

Independent/Assisted Living:  You do not need to schedule an outing for our IL/AL residents because they are able to meet you out front or at the door.  Please arrange this directly with the resident.  If you need to come up to the suite to assist the resident prior to the outing, then a scheduled visit is required.

We strongly recommend all residents follow the current Public Health Officer (PHO) order on gatherings and events.

All residents, please do not visit in the home of a family member or friend at this time.

Essential Visitors: Please know that if you are already an essential visitor you will continue to be at the request of your family member. Please note that all visitors are required to wear a medical mask when coming to visit their loved one. Cloth masks are no longer acceptable.  At this time, isolation gowns and gloves are NOT required.

NO visitors will be permitted at Rosemary Heights if an active outbreak is in progress.


Recreation Program

We have some exciting May events coming up with Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, Nursing Week, & Victoria Day.

For Mother’s Day, we will be doing a delectable High Tea for lunch on Friday May 8th with petite finger sandwiches, and all the fixings with Tiramisu Cake for Dessert!

We are happy to assist with virtual visits via FaceTime, Skype, and zoom, and we can arrange for phone calls with your loved ones.

We will continue to offer scheduled video calls for those families who live out of town or are unable to come in for any reason. Please connect with Jaylene Smillie in our recreation department by emailing jsmillie@retirementconcepts.com or by calling 778-545-5000 ext. 1007

Hair Salon

The hair salon is open! Please contact Rhonda to set an appointment, phone number is 604-626-5449 and her email address is pace_rhonda@hotmail.com.


**Delivery hours are between 9am- 3pm, 7 days a week**

All deliveries will be received at the lobby entrance vestibule. This includes medication deliveries from pharmacies, other gifts and mail. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the residents’ suite.

  1. Please use plastic bags, not reusable bags;
  2. Please label all bags with the resident’s name and suite number;
  3. In consideration of staff-to-resident priorities as well as infection control, please try to limit drop offs to essential items; and.
  4. If possible, please sanitize the items before dropping off. We will re-sanitize as well to be safe.

Please do not drop off items after hours, we do not have staff to be able to accept it and may be left outside until the designated time listed, if you do, you will be taking your chances & we will not be responsible for anything that is left after hours.

We want to thank the kindness of Visitors bringing food to staff as a thank you- however at this time, food cannot be shared due to infection control.

Consider writing a google review to share your appreciation & support!

We ask that families share this information with all parties you believe will be in contact with your loved one. We have all worked so hard together over the last year, please remain diligent in your current practice to help keep our home a safe place.

If you have any questions or general inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out.  You can contact Maggie, General Manager at mamirani@retirementconcetps.com or call 778-545-5001.

– Your team at Rosemary Heights Seniors Village (RHSV)