Good morning everyone,
As reported previously, we have had ONE positive COVID exposure with a staff member, they are at home in isolation recovering. Even though we are not officially on an outbreak, we have been advised by FH & MHO that we still need to adhere the safety protocols.
The focus is on long term care floors (both 1st & 2nd). We have been advised to cancel all recreation programs, in person visits, and cohort residents on their respectful floors with dining rooms remaining open for now, if this changes please note we will notify you immediately.
The 3 residents that were tested are all negative. Please note if your family members test positive for COVID 19 you will get a direct phone call.
We are not permitted to have any visitors into the building (this includes assisted living & long term care) at this time except for essential visitors.
We are happy to report today we have no new resident or staff displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 here at Rosemary Heights Seniors Village.
Recreation Program
Our team is dedicated to ensuring our residents are able to connect to their families and loved ones. We are happy to assist with virtual visits via FaceTime, Skype, and zoom, and we can arrange for phone calls with your loved ones.
We will continue to offer scheduled video calls for those families who live out of town or are unable to come in for any reason. Please connect with Jaylene Smillie in our recreation department by emailing or by calling 778-545-5000 ext. 1007
Our visitation host will start to rebook ONLY the cancelled visits from all of last week, all of this week & next week starting on April 29th. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO REQUEST A VISIT; these visits are getting rebooked only for those families/friends that had their in persons visits cancelled due to the COVID exposure. I will let you know once we can start requesting NEW visits.
Residential Care: currently Long term care (LTC) residents are NOT permitted to leave on any social visits per the MHO & Fraser Health to minimize any possible exposure into the community unless it is deemed essential (doctor’s appointment only).
The exposure DOES NOT impact any assisted living residents at this time.
Assisted Living (AL) residents will be permitted to leave with your family AWAY from Rosemary Heights and NO VISITOR will be permitted in the building unless your family member is deemed essential (and they should know if they are). If the status of RHSV changes, we will let you know,
We strongly recommend all residents follow the current Public Health Officer (PHO) order on gatherings and events.
All residents, please do not visit in the home of a family member or friend at this time.
NO visitors will be permitted at Rosemary Heights if an active outbreak is in progress.
Recreation Program
Our team is dedicated to ensuring our residents are able to connect to their families and loved ones. We are happy to assist with virtual visits via FaceTime, Skype, and zoom, and we can arrange for phone calls with your loved ones.
We will continue to offer scheduled video calls for those families who live out of town or are unable to come in for any reason. Please connect with Jaylene Smillie in our recreation department by emailing or by calling 778-545-5000 ext. 1007
Hair Salon
The hair salon will remain closed until we get cleared from monitoring by Fraser Health & MHO.
**Delivery hours are between 9am- 3pm, Mon-Sat and closed Sundays**
All deliveries will be received at the lobby entrance vestibule. This includes medication deliveries from pharmacies, other gifts and mail. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the residents’ suite.
Please do not drop off items after hours, we do not have staff to be able to accept it and may be left outside until the designated time listed, if you do, you will be taking your chances & we will not be responsible for anything that is left after hours
– Your team at Rosemary Heights Seniors Village (RHSV)