Hello Everyone:
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we move through these changes and work with you to discover new opportunities and methods of being engaged, active and staying connected in our communities. New information is being provided to us continually and we are adjusting and adapting as quickly as possible while we remain committed to providing superior seniors care and services within our communities.
We are happy to again report that NO RESIDENTS or staff are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Renfrew Seniors Village. Should the status of this facility change in any respect, please know that we will immediately contact families.
Recreation Program
Please continue to reach out to Marivic at rcc-recreation@retirementconcepts.com or by phone 604-216-2333 to set up a scheduled facetime/skype call. We will be happy to confirm a date and time to connect you with your loved-one. We have also begun to implement small group programs. This does mean that there will be less time for calls but we are still working to ensure that we are able to accommodate as many people as possible.
We are still unable to accommodate any outside visitors to our communities. This includes family, friends, volunteers, and entertainers. We are working on how and when we are able to bring these back and information will be provided as soon as this changes. Until then, continue to wash your hands, maintain physical distancing and stay safe and healthy.
Reminders for your loved one to Stay Safe:
Again, the following four points are so critical to discuss with your loved ones. Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
Thank You
We want to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience during this difficult period.