
Message from The general Manager

I have had the opportunity to meet many of you and I thank you for your trust in leaving your family members in our care. We love what we do and always have a centered person approach in mind. We continuously train and update our knowledge to ensure we meet thigh highest of standards and celebrate the uniqueness of each family.

I would love to hear from you and your story at Renfrew Care Center.

Camila Nunes – Interim General Manager


Nutrition and Aging

Healthy eating is crucial at any age, but it is especially important as you get older to promote and support social, physical and mental wellbeing. It also minimizes the risk and supports the management of many chronic diseases.

As your body ages, you may require fewer calories but your need for essential nutrients stays the same or in some cases you may require more. This is because it gets harder for your body to absorb some vitamins and minerals. Older adults should pay attention to these following nutrients: Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Calcium and Iron. Remember, as you age, your body needs changes, and eating a variety of healthy foods each day will help you achieve a balanced diet.

Nyssa Lee – Dietitian for Renfrew Care Centre



One Designated Visitor:  

To Schedule a visit, email: recreation:  rcc-recreation@retirementconcepts.com  or call 604 255 7723 ext.134


Compassionate Visitation:  if your family member is transitioning in his/her life’s journey,  our Clinical Care Team will reach out to you to arrange visitation & specific protocols.


Arrange a Social Phone Call or Facetime Visit:

Email: recreation : rcc-recreation@retirementconcepts.com  or call 604 255 7723 ext.134

 Compliments and Queries: please contact General Manager, Camila Nunes cnunes@retirementconcepts.com


Strict compliance measures to all protocols remain unchanged in Renfrew Care Centre, following the direction of our public health officials, including preventative & enhanced infection control, monitoring residents’ & staffs’ health closely, and visitor restrictions.

Essential Services now include:


Kindly press the button at the speaker (to your right) to inform our team if you’ve delivered an item in the lobby vestibule. Please label your delivery with resident name, and we will ensure sanitizing and delivery to loved one.  If you wish to bring new clothing, pictures or a card, feel welcome to do so.