


May 04, 2020

Hello Families and Friends,

Today marks the 100th day of this COVID-19 chaos in British Columbia! It is the 45th day of LOCK DOWN! Nothing is easy as we all would agree, but our HOPE remains high that we will get through this together as Canadians and as a community.

Peace Portal Seniors Village remains COVID-19 FREE to this date and fortunate enough without Flu outbreak. We continue to work very hard and diligently to ensuring your family members or friends are

Healthy, safe and cared for accordingly. Management and staff are closely monitoring all residents at the same time trying our best to take care of each other physically, mentally and emotionally.

We feel the sadness of your loved ones missing their family and perhaps friends who normally have been visiting daily or on a weekly/monthly basis. We miss you all too. Therefore your loved ones and us as a team are doing our best to give comfort to them and reassurance that EVERYTHING is OK.

We continue to exercise best practice, adhere to protocols:


We will ensure that Mothers’ day will be celebrated as best as possible in a unique and creative way to bring smiles to your moms! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for your support and sending us your “notes of appreciation”.

      Special thank you to Rocky Mountain Chocolate for sending us some treats, to Catholic Womens’ League for the fabric masks, Pinky Antero for the fabric masks. To Susan (Girl guide) for the cookies!

       Take care everyone, stay safe and healthy.