May 21, 2020
Dear beloved families and friends,
We are very much aware that the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in much anxiety and loneliness due to uncertainty and limited socialization amongst ourselves secondary to the quarantine measures and physical distancing. We know the pain of parents being isolated from their children and vice versa. Being separated from your loved ones causes a lot of stress, sadness, and emotional pain. Your pain is our pain.
Be reassured that these efforts are not in vain. We sincerely thank you for your compliance with the recommendations of our Public Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry. We want you to be comforted by the fact that because of your cooperation with our team, Peace Portal Seniors Village has no cases of outbreak nor signs or symptoms of COVID-19 from residents and staff.
As our Beautiful British Columbia enters phase 2 of reopening and easing restrictions, let us continue to respect physical distancing measures, proper hand hygiene and other infection control precautions. At this time, we continue to adhere to the direction of our public health officials, and the no visitation policy remains in place. We appreciate that you are very eager to visit your loved ones. We will be informing you about any changes regarding this policy as soon as we get direction.
Keeping your loved ones safe and healthy has been our top priority since our province declared a state of emergency due to the COVID pandemic. We are motivated to keep our facility COVID-free and so we appreciate your patience and collaboration with our team. We continue to implement daily symptom monitoring of our residents and staff. Staff members’ temperature is taken before shift start and appropriate use of PPE during their shift. We ensure that regular enhanced sanitation routines are in place.
We are also working around the limited parameters where we can conduct recreational activities with our dear residents. Our recreation staff is engaging our dear residents in activities such as sing along, gardening, puzzles, and painting with physical distancing and sanitation practices in place. Though we are still not accepting visitors in the building at this time, we would like you to remain connected with your loved ones. Please coordinate with us if you would like to connect with your loved ones via phone call, FaceTime, Skype, or window visits and we will facilitate it with our staff. We hope to see you all soon. Remember hand hygiene is always best to break the chain of infection!
Again, thank you and stay safe,
Your Peace Portal Seniors Village Family