May 11, 2020
Hello Families and Friends!
Each of us has been occupied in keeping our bodies healthy, but we must not forget about taking care of our mental health simultaneously. Mental health goes hand in hand with our physical health in keeping our immune system strong. This week is Mental Health Week, May 4-10, and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is reminding us to “Get Real” with how we really feel!
Part of our struggle is the disconnection we feel due to physical distancing and quarantine measures. Here are some tips on coping with social distancing:
MAKE IT PART OF YOUR DAY. Set a time during the day and call it “social connection time.” “At such and such an hour, I’m going to reach out to a friend, colleague or family member.” They want to hear from you right now.
MAKE A DATE. Book a time for a conversation. Send an email or a message, or just call someone spontaneously, inviting them to a phone date, or a video chat.
LET YOURSELF BE VULNERABLE. If you’re craving connection, let others know. Let them know you feel isolated. Deepening your conversations will deepen your relationships.
BE HONEST. If you’re not doing well, don’t cover over the feelings. Share them openly.
BE GENEROUS AND KIND. Kindness can actually work to counter stress which is particularly important in these times. Send out a few words of gratitude on social media or send a kind message via email. This will make someone’s day and is itself a meaningful connection.
PRACTICE LISTENING. Really listen to each other and give the other person space to let you know how they are really feeling, too.
THINK OUTSIDE YOUR CIRCLE! Your family members and good friends aren’t the only sources of social support. Who has offered you support in the past? This might be a good time to reconnect.
REMEMBER THE TELEPHONE AND “LOW-TECH WAYS” TO CONNECT. The phone may have been invented two centuries ago, but it is one of the most enduring and important tools for social connection that we have. Letter writing maybe a lost art too. Corresponding by mail is a great way to reach out and connect. Canada Post is still there for you. So is your email account.
REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Maybe most importantly, know that even if you feel alone, there are others out there, ready and waiting to help. If you’re struggling:
USE E-MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES. There are hundreds of online portals and hubs to connect you to virtual and online support services such as online courses, coaching and therapy. Check out the Government of Canada’s new Wellness Together portal, or check in with your local CMHA to see what they have to offer online and over the phone.
In crisis? Please call 1-833-456-4566 toll free (In QC: 1-866-277-3553), 24/7 or visit
remains COVID Free! We are pleased to announce that all your loved ones are kept healthy and safe. Not to forget, the new heroes, all staff are healthy and are inspired everyday to come to work and give their 100% love and care because we are all family!
set forth by Health Authorities and our company such as:
Continue to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette
Conducting education, keep residents and staff updated on what COVID-19 Pandemic
new information or changes and adhere to best practice standards.
Sincerely and sending you our best regards,