Peace Portal Seniors Village – UPDATE – Monday October 5, 2020
Hello Friends and Family of Peace Portal Seniors Village Residents;
We now have 8 residents who have tested positive for Covid 19, as a result of 5 test results coming back to us today.
We remain at one staff member that has tested positive.
All staff and residents have been swabbed, and we are awaiting a few additional test results. The remainder of residents have tested negative and families of the positive residents have been informed. At this time, if you have not heard from us then your loved one is negative.
We are working steadfastly to contain this Outbreak. We have moved infected residents to one wing of the building away from other residents, and there are dedicated care givers for them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, who do not work with other residents. We educate each shift of our staff on hand hygiene and safety protocols, including those related to personal protective gear – putting it on, taking it off and performing job functions while wearing it.
The infected staff member is currently at home, in self-isolation and recovering.
We understand our news to you today may create additional concerns, and we share them with you. Caring for our Community is our top priority and are team is dedicated to it.
At present, we are continuing to work with Fraser Heath Authority and follow their guidance and direction.
All residents of our Peace Portal community have been placed in isolation in their respective rooms where they receive meals by tray service, and are monitored closely. Staff have also been grouped into cohorts working on a specific floor, and not facility-wide.
Until further notice, the dining room is closed, family visitations are cancelled and all group activities are paused.
As is our protocol, in the event of any positive test, we will continue to provide families with a daily email update. Should the condition of any specific resident change, their family will be notified immediately.
To inquire about facetime/skype or phone calls, please contact: Sandra At this time, Face Time or virtual visits are not available for positive residents due to protocols that must be followed by Fraser Health.
BC’s Medical Health Officer has been notified, and the Peace Portal Seniors Village is following protocols established by Fraser Health Authority, the Office of the Provincial Health Officer and the BC Center for Disease Control.
We will continue to act upon the latest advice of BC’s Health Ministry and will adapt our operations as necessary and recommended.
The Outbreak Period is being re-evaluated on a daily basis pending additional test results, and as we continue to take active measures against the spread. We will be sure to let families know of a definitive date once Fraser Health Authority informs us of it.
All deliveries will be received at the lobby entrance vestibule. This includes medication deliveries from pharmacies, gifts and mail. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the residents’ suite.
Dropping items off
We would ask that families please follow these guidelines to ensure loved ones will receive their deliveries in a timely manner:
We wish to thank families and loved ones in advance for their patience and cooperation.
Please join us in extending our sincere appreciation to the Peace Portal Seniors Village Staff, who are dedicated to keeping your loved ones safe and in good spirits.
Thanks again to all of you for your continuing support of Peace Portal Seniors Village.