Hi Everyone:
We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy!
In spite of the fact that no residents are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms, we continue to restrict all visitors at Maple Ridge Seniors Village out of an abundance of caution. We know that continues to be an anxious period for residents, families and loved-ones – but we ask that everyone be respectful of this measure, for resident and staff safety.
Should the status of this facility change in any respect, please know that we will immediately contact families.
We are following the direction of our public health officials to the letter, and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Staff continue to monitor residents closely and are ensuring the following protocols are being adhered to:
Some residents/tenants require access to essential services such as foot care, renal dialysis and other community-based professionals (e.g. Community Health Nurse (CHN), Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker etc.). Access to these essential services is permissible when the goals of care discussions between health care team members (e.g. MRP, resident & family/substitute decision-maker, care staff) confirm this is essential. On-Site Visits All essential medical services personnel: o will be screened at the beginning and end of the visit as per FH staff screening guidelines o will use full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Droplet Precautions e.g. wear surgical/procedure face mask, eye protection, gown and gloves and perform hand hygiene as per 4 moments of hand hygiene Care home staff will monitor the essential medical services personnel donning and doffing of PPE to ensure technique and Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines properly followed . Foot care nurses: o will visit when deemed essential (toe nail is causing a wound and the resident has high risk comorbidities e.g. diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease) o will clean and disinfect surfaces used for the appointment with hospital grade disinfectant o will follow sterilization of shared instruments as per reprocessing guideline o will attend on ONE site ONLY per day. They will visit AL /IL and LTC on separate days.
Recreation Program
The Recreation staff in AL/IL will be starting to run small group ( 5 people max ) activities while using physical distancing practices . The Recreation staff ( LTC) are also going room-to-room each day to check on each resident and to drop off activities to keep resident minds sharp. Again, please remind and motivate your loved ones to participate in these different activities. To the extent staff are able to facilitate Facetime and Skype for residents they are doing so, amidst their other duties. Please reach out to (Recreation manager/team) by e-mail at or call her at to set up a schedule. She will be happy to confirm a date and time to connect you with your loved-one.
Dining Room
For Long Term Care: We have provided more feeding chairs and tables to observe social distancing during mealtimes.
Assisted Living:
All deliveries will be received at the front desk. This includes groceries, medications, gifts. All will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suites. IF you prefer to come and get them yourself, please let the front desk know.
Dropping items off: We would ask that families please follow these guidelines as I am sure you want your parent or loved one to get their deliveries in a timely manner.
Dining Room: We have closed our dining area in AL /IL and have been providing take-out meals only from our dining room since March 26, 2020. We also have closed our seating area in the Bistro to observe the social distancing. Continental Breakfast/coffee/tea and snacks are still available for all AL/IL residents.
Reminders for your loved one to Stay Safe:
Again, the following four points are so critical to discuss with your loved ones. Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
Thank You
We want to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience during this difficult period.