
Monterey Seniors Village – May 6, 2020 Update

At this time, the health status of our residents has not changed. NO Resident is showing symptoms within our community.

As noted yesterday, test results from swabs came back negative but we will continue to assess and closely monitor residents for any symptoms. We also have Clinical staff at the site helping us doing assessments twice a day.

Swabs have been conducted of all employees and we are awaiting those results. At this time the number of affected staff totals five, an increase of one from yesterday. All affected staff are home and in self-isolation. We continue to conduct tracing to isolate other staff members they have been in close contact with.

Staff members are assessed at the beginning of their shift and mid-way through their shift, and should any be symptomatic, they will be placed in self-isolation as a matter of course.


 We are  adhering to a number of strict protocols, including restricting ALL visitors from the premises.

We have increased the deep cleaning and sanitization of the entire community, with additional housekeeping staff in all areas of the building, and enhanced cleaning in high touch areas.

We will continue to act upon the latest advice of public health officials and adapt our operations as necessary and recommended, to reduce the risk of infection and transmission as much as possible.


 We will be communicating with all families via email on a daily basis along with Facebook posts. Should the condition of any resident change, family will be notified immediately.



The community is restricting access to ALL visitors




There are no staffing issues to report today




We continue to monitor our supplies closely.




We wish to thank staff and families for their cooperation and understanding at this time.