Hello Everyone:
We hope you are all staying safe and healthy!
NO RESIDENTS are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Monterey Seniors Village. However, we recognize that this is an anxious time for you and your families, and we hope that by continuing to send out updates, we can provide some reassurance to you on the care of your loved-one.
Outdoor Visits, Outings, and Community Walks
Earlier this month, the Government of Alberta announced changes to the public health measures. Included in those changes were that small outdoor gatherings would be allowed again. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you about how you can safely share an outdoor visit, outing, or community walk with a resident.
As with all community visits, visitors must understand the risk of unknown exposure to COVID-19 for themselves and residents and asses health before visits.
By following the above guidelines, as well as practicing proper hand hygiene, wearing a mask, and social distancing, you can help protect your loved ones during your visit.
While we are all excited about the lifting of certain restrictions, consider what is best for yourself and your loved one. Cold weather brings risks like slipping on ice, joint pain and general malaise from the elements. Bundling up to go outside can be both exhausting and time-consuming so please continue to consider a virtual visit.
Resident Vaccinations
The second dose for residents was provided on February 8th. We are happy to share that 88% of our residents have received the second vaccination! In addition to this, 41% of our staff have had either the first or second vaccine to date. Staff continue to receive their vaccinations and book their appointments. Unfortunately this has slowed down due to the shortage of vaccine shots in the province.
Recreation Update
February is National Therapeutic Recreation Month. Therapeutic Recreation is designed to address the holistic need of our residents. This is celebrated by improving all aspects of health, including physical, social, emotional, spiritual and cognitive, through a combination of music, exercise, church, games and community interactions. The Monterey recreation team is looking forward to engaging our residents in unique and socially distanced therapeutic activities. Although Valentine’s Day will look a little bit different this year, we are still finding ways to celebrate, so please stay tuned!
Our recreation team is working hard to create engaging activities that enrich the mind, body and spirit. We are continuously looking for ways to reduce the risk of transmission while having the least impact on resident well-being. At this time, recreation activities will be held in individual units where possible and in larger spaces. This is to ensure that all participants can maintain physical-distancing.
Visitation Information
At this time we are only allowing essential family/support persons, as per Dr. Hinshaw’s recommendations. We continue to discourage non-essential community outings with residents at this time.
To ensure residents and family can stay connected during this time, we continue to offer scheduled virtual visits. Please contact our recreation department at montereylifestyles@retirementconcepts.com or 403-568-3105 to book an appointment.
Our efforts to keep our community free of COVID-19 remains as strong as ever. We know that through your support and shared commitment to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and adherence to these new visitor restrictions, we are doing all we can to protect our residents from the spread of the virus.
Essential Visitation Process and Protocols
Visiting hours at Monterey Seniors Village are between 8:00 am–8:00 pm daily, seven (7) days per week.
All essential visits can be reserved by calling Monterey reception at least 24-hours prior, at 403-207-2929 to book your visit. Unfortunately we cannot accept walk-ins unless it is of an urgent nature.
A reservation is not required if you would like to take your loved one offsite for an appointment or other essential reason, although community outings with residents are strongly discouraged at this time. Please be aware that all protocols are still in effect when offsite such as full screening, social distancing, continuous masking, not touching your face and hand hygiene. If a visit is longer than 24 hours, your loved one will be required to self-isolate for two weeks for precautionary reasons.
We continue to ensure ongoing deep cleaning and sanitization of the entire community, with additional housekeeping staff in all areas of the building, and enhanced cleaning in high touch areas. We will continue to act upon the latest advice of public health officials and adapt our operations as necessary and recommended, to reduce the risk of infection and transmission as much as possible.
Please know that should the condition of any resident change, their family will be notified immediately.