Hello Everyone:
We hope you are all staying safe and healthy!
NO RESIDENTS are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Monterey Seniors Village. However, we recognize that this is an anxious time for you and your families, and we hope that by continuing to send out updates, we can provide some reassurance to you on the care of your loved-one.
At this time we are only allowing essential family/support persons, as per Dr. Hinshaw’s recommendations. We continue to discourage non-essential community outings with residents at this time.
To ensure residents and family can stay connected during this time, we continue to offer scheduled virtual visits. Please contact our recreation department at montereylifestyles@retirementconcepts.com or 403-568-3105 to book an appointment.
Our efforts to keep our community free of COVID-19 remains as strong as ever. We know that through your support and shared commitment to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and adherence to these new visitor restrictions, we are doing all we can to protect our residents from the spread of the virus.
Essential Visitation Process and Protocols
Visiting hours at Monterey Seniors Village are between 8:00 am–8:00 pm daily, seven (7) days per week.
All essential visits can be reserved by calling Monterey reception at least 24-hours prior, at 403-207-2929 to book your visit. Unfortunately we cannot accept walk-ins unless it is of an urgent nature.
A reservation is not required if you would like to take your loved one offsite for an appointment or other essential reason, although community outings with residents are strongly discouraged at this time. Please be aware that all protocols are still in effect when offsite such as full screening, social distancing, continuous masking, not touching your face and hand hygiene. If a visit is longer than 24 hours, your loved one will be required to self-isolate for two weeks for precautionary reasons.
Christmas Activities and Dinner
We are happy to share with everyone that we will be offering many Christmas activities for residents to enjoy during this festive time of year. We will be offering activities such as Christmas Light tours on our resident bus, happy hours on each floor, Christmas dinner and many other wonderful events all while ensuring we follow protocols and orders to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing.
Unfortunately at this time, visitors in our dining rooms are still not permitted and this includes Christmas dinner. We do encourage booking a time to visit your loved one over the holiday season while following the visitation guidelines listed above.
Please, No Gifting of Food or Beverages
With the holidays just around the corner and many delicious treats to be had, we would like to remind our residents and families not to bring food or beverage items for our staff, including store bought and homemade.
While your generosity is beyond appreciated by our team, due to COVID-19 safety precautions, our staff are unable to share food items or beverages, regardless of how lovingly they were prepared or packed.
If you wish to share your holiday spirit and appreciation, you are welcome to send greeting cards or letters, which will be shared with our team. These items can be sent to the Reception at Monterey.
We continue to ensure ongoing deep cleaning and sanitization of the entire community, with additional housekeeping staff in all areas of the building, and enhanced cleaning in high touch areas. We will continue to act upon the latest advice of public health officials and adapt our operations as necessary and recommended, to reduce the risk of infection and transmission as much as possible.
Please know that should the condition of any resident change, their family will be notified immediately.