Hello Everyone:
We hope you are all staying safe and healthy!
NO RESIDENTS are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Monterey Seniors Village. However, we recognize that this is an anxious time for you and your families, and we hope that by continuing to send out updates, we can provide some reassurance to you on the care of your loved-one.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
On November 11th, we will be having a Remembrance Day ceremony from 10am to 11am. We will also be viewing the live ceremony from Ottawa for residents to enjoy as well as be serving refreshments and snacks.
As the weather has changed, many of the Alberta communities have been working on bringing social visits indoors into designated visitation spaces. However, as COVID-19 cases continue to rise and reach an all-time high, the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) has updated her recommendations from Order 23-2020 in her letter Rising COVID-19 Numbers and Safe Visiting Policy.
In this letter, Dr. Hinshaw expressed concern about the rising number of COVID-19 cases and asked us, as continuing care providers, to reassess our Safe Visiting Policy (as per CMOH Order 29-2020). She has recommended that only visitors identified as designated family/support persons be permitted to visit residents at this time.
Monterey has reviewed this recommendation, and effective Monday, November 9, 2020, we will only be offering designated family/support persons visits with residents. This includes indoor and outdoor visits and community outings/walks.
In addition, based on the current risk levels, indoor visits will occur in the resident’s private room or the designated meeting space in the main level lobby area next to reception.
We understand that this is a stressful and challenging time for everyone, especially our residents and their families, but the priority must be minimizing the resident’s exposure to the virus. We know and have seen the effect of COVID-19 in care home settings where seniors reside. They are the most vulnerable to the effects of this virus.
Dr. Hinshaw has also asked that designated family/support persons evaluate their own need to be physically present, based on the resident’s need, to help in limiting the number of people entering the site. To ensure residents and family can stay connected during this time, we continue to offer scheduled virtual visits. Please contact our recreation department at montereylifestyles@retirementconcepts.com or 403-568-3105 to book an appointment.
We understand the importance families play in our residents’ lives, which is why we will continue to support these designated family/support persons visits unless otherwise ordered by the CMOH or the Medical Officers of Health (MOH).
Our efforts to keep our community free of COVID-19 remains as strong as ever. We know that through your support and shared commitment to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and adherence to these new visitor restrictions, we are doing all we can to protect our residents from the spread of the virus.
As part of the visitation restriction changes, we are currently creating an active and up to date list of all designated family/support persons. We are asking all resident family decision makers to provide us with a list of designated family and support people that are permitted to visit their loved ones. Please email or call the main reception at receptionmonterey@retirementconcepts.com or 403-207-2929 to provide your list that includes the full name of all designated visitors, inclusive of a phone number and e-mail address.
Visitation Process and Protocols
Just a friendly reminder, visiting hours at Monterey Seniors Village are between 8:00 am–8:00 pm daily, seven (7) days per week.
All visits can be reserved by calling Monterey reception at least 24-hours before your visit, at 403-207-2929 to book your visit. Unfortunately we cannot accept walk-ins unless it is of an urgent nature.
A reservation is not required if you would like to take your loved one offsite for an appointment, outing or family visit, although community outings with residents are strongly discouraged at this time. Please be aware that all protocols are still in effect when offsite such as full screening, social distancing, continuous masking, not touching your face and hand hygiene. If a visit is longer than 24 hours, your loved one will be required to self-isolate for two weeks for precautionary reasons.
Harassment Policy
As visits increase in our community, we would like to remind our visitors that as part of our commitment to resident, family and visitor safety, we are obligated to follow safety protocols. Screening is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all and is mandated by Alberta Health. Our reception and screening staff work tirelessly –and unfortunately, somewhat thanklessly –to screen everyone entering the building and instruct visitors on wearing masks, hand hygiene, etc. The success we have had in keeping our community COVID free is a testament to their commitment to resident safety. These dedicated team members deserve our respect and appreciation –so please be kind when asked to check-in at the door. This is not an easy role to take on, and it would mean the world to them if you shared a kind word on the work they are doing to keep us all safe.
We continue to ensure ongoing deep cleaning and sanitization of the entire community, with additional housekeeping staff in all areas of the building, and enhanced cleaning in high touch areas. We will continue to act upon the latest advice of public health officials and adapt our operations as necessary and recommended, to reduce the risk of infection and transmission as much as possible.
Please know that should the condition of any resident change, their family will be notified immediately.