
Hello Everyone:


We hope you are all staying safe and healthy!


NO RESIDENTS are presenting COVID-19 signs or symptoms at Monterey Seniors Village. However, we recognize that this is an anxious time for you and your families, and we hope that by continuing to send out updates, we can provide some reassurance to you on the care of your loved-one.


Family Visits


Visitations have been going very well, thank you to everyone for your patience and cooperation during this time.  We have been very busy scheduling everyone in, your loved ones truly appreciate your visits and gifts!


Just a friendly reminder, visiting hours at Monterey Seniors Village are between 8:00 am–8:00 pm daily, seven (7) days per week. All visits can be reserved by calling Monterey reception at least 24-hours before your visit, at 403-207-2929 to book your visit.  Unfortunately we cannot accept walk-ins unless it is of an urgent nature.


A reservation is not required if you would like to take your loved one offsite for an appointment, outing or family visit.  Please be aware that all protocols are still in effect when offsite such as full screening, social distancing, continuous masking, not touching your face and hand hygiene.  If a visit is longer than 24 hours, your loved one will be required to self-isolate for two weeks for precautionary reasons.


The following revised parameters are currently in effect for indoor and outdoor visits:




Gifts for Staff: Residents and families may wish to show their appreciation to staff and we truly appreciate the kind gesture, however it is Monterey Senior’s Village policy that staff are not permitted to accept gifts of any kind.


Remedy’s Rx Specialty Pharmacy is now CareRx


Our preferred pharmacy partner, Remedy’s Rx, has recently merged with CareRx and will be operating as CareRx starting Aug 25th, 2020. They will continue to provide uninterrupted service through this transition.  If you are registered for pre-authorized debit from your bank account or credit card, the name appearing on your bank or credit card statement will be CareRx Corporation. Please reach out to us at 403-207-2929 if you have any questions.


Health Quality Council of Alberta Residents and Family COVID-19 Survey

In partnership with Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services, the Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) will be conducting a new study – the COVID-19 Continuing Care Family and Resident Experience Study.  This study will use in-depth interviews and surveys to gather information from residents in congregate care (including designated supportive living and long-term care) and their family members about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information gathered will assist further understanding about what has worked well/and not so well during Alberta’s pandemic response, and identify opportunities to improve the delivery of congregate care in the months ahead.

Monterey residents and family members will be contacted soon by Alberta Health Services (AHS) to participate in the study.



We continue to ensure ongoing deep cleaning and sanitization of the entire community, with additional housekeeping staff in all areas of the building, and enhanced cleaning in high touch areas. We will continue to act upon the latest advice of public health officials and adapt our operations as necessary and recommended, to reduce the risk of infection and transmission as much as possible.



Please know that should the condition of any resident change, their family will be notified immediately.