Hello everyone,
Yesterday we celebrated Remembrance Day and wore red poppies as a symbol of hope, strength, perseverance and determination. We remembered the soldiers who died in the line of duty, whose sacrifice enables us to live in peace and freedom. As we summon our strength to overcome the current challenges of COVID-19 to ensure our seniors stay safe and healthy, we should remember those that achieved great things that that seemed impossible before us. Together, we will overcome COVID-19, just as those soldiers who lived, fought and died together in the muddy trenches.
At Maple Ridge Seniors Village we are honoured to have many veterans living amongst us.
We continue to appreciate all that you and your loved ones are doing to heed the precautions put in place to alleviate risk of exposure to COVID-19. We are relieved to tell you that there are no current cases of COVID-19 in our residents or staff here at Maple Ridge Seniors Village.
We continue to follow the direction of our Public Health officials to the letter and have full infection prevention and control precautions in place. Our staff and Screeners have been educated on the current Public Health requirements, and will ensure the following protocols are being adhered to in order to keep our community safe. We must enforce a minimum of two meters of safe physical distance between staff, clients and visitors, including in hallways and all communal areas.
Social Visits
One (1) designated visitor per resident remains in effect. Visits must be scheduled in advance with Recreation at mrsv-recreation@retirementconcepts.com.
Upon arrival for your visit, please ensure to wear your mask prior to entering the building. You will be required to see our Screener at the front entrance to sign in and complete a pre-screening. If you are an Essential Visitor, and/or visiting a resident in our Residential Care, a gown and goggles will be provided.
Outside Visits
Independent Living and Assisted Living
Residents can engage in social and external activities that are aligned with general public health guidance. Recommendations are to avoid large gatherings and stay away from other people who are ill. A gentle reminder that everyone should maintain safe physical distance at all times and wear a mask when in enclosed spaces such as transit or stores where safe physical distances cannot be maintained.
At Maple Ridge Seniors Village we strongly recommend all residents follow the current Provincial Health Officer (PHO) order on limiting social interactions. The order is in effect from November 7, 2020 at 10:00 pm to November 23, 2020 at 12:00 pm.
All residents, please do not visit in the home of a family member or friend at this time.
For more detailed information on the current PHO order please visit the Government of BC website
Residential Care
Residents are advised to limit their external activities and outside appointments to essential only (i.e. medically necessary).
Connecting Families
In addition to in-person visits, we continue to connect families with their loved ones via, skype, facetime, messenger and telephone calls.
For more information contact Kim Knudsen, Manager of Recreation & Volunteer Services at kknudsen@retirementconcepts.com or call 604-476-4320.
All deliveries will be received at the Screener desk. This includes groceries, medications, and gifts. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suite.
Dropping off items
We would ask that families please follow these guidelines to ensure your parent or loved one receives their delivery in a timely manner:
For our meal services, we are pleased to say that all dining rooms remain open at this time.
Our kitchen staff are continuing to offer choices in meal preferences. If a resident is in isolation, we have been taking their meal order by phone, and delivering to their suite. Everyone – staff and residents alike – are doing a fabulous job at keeping everyone safe.
Flu Season
As we enter cold and flu season our staff continue to monitor residents closely. If a resident has received their flu shot from an outside source, please let us know as we need to submit these details to the Health Authority.
Charity Committee
Did you know that we have a resident Charity Committee at MRSV? This Committee of dedicated members meets monthly to plan upcoming fundraisers and selects which local charity or organization to focus on next. Each month they run a 50/50 draw with proceeds going to the selected charity. In October $87.50 was raised for Foundry Ridge Meadows. This is a program run by Ridge Meadows Community Services for Youth and Young People struggling with mental health.
Once again, A BIG THANK YOU to everyone for working so hard to keep us safe and healthy, as well as for the kindness, understanding and support you share.
Stay safe everyone.
The MRSV Leadership Team