Dear residents, family member and friends,
As communicated on May 13th, a student who has been doing a preceptorship in our Residential Care has tested positive for COVID-19. We have notified Fraser Health Authority, as well as our own COVID response team, and we continue to follow all direction from Public Health.
Here are the current details of the COVID-19 situation at Maple Ridge Seniors Village:
No residents or staff of MRSV have any COVID-19 symptoms.
Meal Services
The dining room in the 1st floor West Wing in Residential Care is closed and residents are receiving room service. The dining room in the 1st floor East Wing is open but we are currently using disposables.
The dining rooms on our 2nd and 3rd floors in Residential Care are open and residents are receiving regular meal service.
The dining room in our Independent/Assisted Living remains open.
We will provide everyone with a daily email update and will share information as we receive it. Should the condition of any resident change, their family will be notified immediately.
To inquire about facetime/skype or phone calls, please contact our Recreation Department at or call 604-476-4320.
How to Book a Visit or Outing
All visits and outings must be scheduled in advance through our Recreation Department, ideally 24 hours’ notice. Please make your request by email at and they will respond in the order in which the requests are received.
Screener Desks
Our priority at this time is the safety of our residents and preventing transmission. In order to further prevent transmission between areas of our building, we have set up two screener desks. The screener desk at the main entrance is for our Independent/Assisted Living and the screener desk in our basement/parkade entrance is for our Residential Care.
If you need to pick up something from Residential Care, please enter through our parkade and see the screener desk just inside our basement entrance. During this period of enhanced monitoring we are unable to bring any items from Residential Care through our main lobby in Assisted Living. All outgoing items must come via the basement/parkade. If you wish to drop off an item for a resident, please see below for delivery instructions.
We will continue to accept all deliveries at the screener desk. This includes groceries, medications and gifts. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suites.
When dropping items off we ask families to please follow the guidelines below in order to ensure that your loved one gets their deliveries in a timely manner:
We wish to thank staff, residents and families for their cooperation and understanding as we move through the next few days.
Please know that the care and safety of residents is our number one priority, and that we treat this situation very seriously.
The information shared above is the most recent update and there is no other information to share at this time. Unless it is an emergency we ask that you please refrain from calling and allow us to care for your loved one. If it is an emergency, please contact Bianca, our General Manager, at 604-760-2209.
The Maple Ridge Seniors Village (MRSV) Leadership Team and Staff