
Dear residents, family members and friends,

Dr. Bonnie Henry recently announced new changes for the visitation restrictions and guidelines for Long Term Care and Assisted Living communities.  We have been busy over the last few days reviewing the new information that Fraser Health Authority has sent to us and we are happy to provide these details to you now.

Here are the new visitation restrictions and guidelines effective Monday, July 19, 2021.



Visits to our community do not need to be scheduled in advance.  We ask that you please arrive and depart during our Visiting Hours between 8:00AM and 8:00PM.  There is no restriction on the number of guests that can come for a visit at one time.

All screening procedures remain in place.  Visitors will be screened for signs and symptoms of illness, including COVID-19, before their visit.  Each visitor must complete the sign-in sheet and will have their temperature taken.  If the visitor wishes to remove their mask while in the resident’s room/suite they can provide proof of immunization status.  Proof of immunization status can be provided by showing a paper record from your regional health authority or pharmacy from which you received your vaccine.   People can also check for your immunization record online by registering for the Health Gateway.

Visitors of our Residential Care must arrive through our parkade and will pre-screen at our Basement Screener Desk.  Access to our building is either by using an issued building access card or by pressing the intercom button at the parkade gate.  Please note only 1 building access card is issued per resident, on the date of admission.  Please see Reception during business hours of 9AM to 5PM if you do not yet have your building access card.  We can issue this to you and show you how to access the building for future visits.

Visitors of our Independent/Assisted Living must arrive through our main entrance and will pre-screen at our Lobby Screener Desk.

Pets are allowed to visit in the resident’s room/suite only.



All visitors 12 years of age and older must wear a medical mask while in common areas and when moving throughout the community.  Children over the age of two should be encouraged to wear a mask if they can.

If the visitor has been fully immunized against COVID-19 (14 days after receiving the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine), and has provided the appropriate proof of immunization status, they are permitted to remove their mask while in the resident’s room/suite.

Visitors who do not wish to provide proof that they are fully immunized are required to wear a medical mask for the duration of their visit, both in common areas and when in direct contact with the person they are visiting.

If a staff member is fully immunized against COVID-19 they will not be required to wear a mask or eye protection unless clinically indicated.   Staff who are not confirmed to be fully immunized will continue to be required to wear a medical mask and undergo regular rapid testing.


During your Visit

While here for your visit you are able to enjoy all common areas of our community and can take the resident for a walk or to one of our courtyards or balconies.  Please ensure you maintain a social distance from others at all times.  Residential Care residents must be signed out at the Nursing Station before leaving the floor.  Masks must be worn at all times when in our common areas and when moving throughout the community.


Food and Beverage

Visitors can only consume food or beverages while in the resident’s room/suite.  Visitors are not allowed to consume food or drinks in our Bistro or Dining Rooms at this time.



Residential Care: 

Residents are able to leave our community at any time.  You can simply sign them out at the Nursing Station.  If you would like to take a resident out, and would like the resident to be waiting for pickup at our front entrance, please arrange this with our nursing team in advance.   Please note each resident has a list of people who are authorized to take them out of the community.  If you are unsure if you are on this list, please confirm this with the primary contact of the resident as they would need to update our nursing team.

If the resident will be out for an extended period of time, you must arrange with the Nurse to have medications ready to take with you on the outing.  To reach the Nurse please call 604-466-3053.  First Floor is extension 1901, second floor is extension 1902 and third floor is extension 1903.

Independent/Assisted Living: 

You do not need to schedule an outing for our IL/AL residents because they are able to meet you out front or at the door.  Please arrange this directly with the resident.



Maple Ridge Seniors Village is now permitted to have large indoor & outdoor events.  Please note all indoor events are strictly for our residents and staff members only, and can be attended by residents/staff of different units/floors.  Our residents of our Residential Care are able to attend an event that is taking place in our Main Lobby.

Visitors are welcome to attend any outdoor events.


Overnight Guests

Residents of our Independent/Assisted Living are permitted to have overnight guests.



Social visitation will be suspended if there is an active COVID-19 outbreak at the community.


Once again saying THANK YOU to everyone for working so hard to keep us safe and healthy, as well as for the kindness, understanding and support you share.

If you have any questions about our COVID-19 visitation guidelines, please call Reception at 604-466-3053.



The Maple Ridge Seniors Village (MRSV) Leadership Team and Staff