Hello everyone,
Happy New Year from all of us at Maple Ridge Seniors Village!
We are happy to report there are no current cases of COVID-19 in our residents or staff here at Maple Ridge Seniors Village.
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
A large team from Fraser Health was here on Sunday and Monday to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to our residents and staff. They administered almost 300 vaccines in less than 48 hours. It was a bit stressful and hectic but our amazing team ended the day on Monday with a big sigh of relief. We are one step closer in our fight against this pandemic. Thank you again to our residents and family members for their support and quick responses as we rushed to gain all the consents in time.
Social Visits
All Social Visits are being booked into our Visiting Booth. Visits are allowed from anyone – friend, family, children, etc. and the booth can comfortably accommodate up to 4 people. Please ensure each group is following Dr. Bonnie Henry’s socialization guidelines and are from the same household.
If you wish to schedule a window visit, or have any questions at all about visitations, please contact our Recreation Team at mrsv-recreation@retirementconcepts.com or 604-476-4320.
Essential Visits
Essential visitors are those who are allowed to come and visit the resident daily because they play an essential role in the daily care and/or well-being of the resident.
For example, Essential Visits should be provided when:
Essential Visitors for Residential Care are to enter the building through our second Screener desk at the basement parkade entrance. Please use your MESH building key card to open the parkade gate, or request to be buzzed in at the intercom.
Spouse Visits
We have several spouses of residents in our Residential Care who reside in our Independent Living/Assisted Living building. These residents can continue to visit their spouse in Residential Care. However, if they choose to continue these in-person visits they cannot be coming and going from MRSV, and then also visiting their spouse in Residential Care. We ask that they do not engage in outside social visits or attend non-essential appointments off site.
Outside Visits
Independent Living and Assisted Living
Residents can engage in social and external activities that are aligned with general public health guidance. Recommendations are to avoid large gatherings and stay away from other people who are ill. A gentle reminder that everyone should maintain safe physical distance at all times and wear a mask when in enclosed spaces such as transit or stores where safe physical distances cannot be maintained.
At Maple Ridge Seniors Village we strongly recommend all residents follow the current Public Health Officer order on limiting social interactions. The order is in effect from November 19, 2020 at midnight to January 8, 2021 at midnight.
All residents, please do not visit in the home of a family member or friend at this time.
For more detailed information on the current PHO order please visit the Government of BC website
Residential Care
Residents are advised to limit their external activities and outside appointments to essential only (i.e. medically necessary).
Connecting Families
Our team is dedicated in ensuring our residents are able to connect to their families and loved ones. We are happy to assist with virtual visits via FaceTime, Skype, Messenger, and WeChat and we can arrange for phone calls with your loved ones.
If you have a request, or something that is needed to assist a resident, please let us know. Our Team at MRSV is here and we are stepping it up to help our residents in the absence of regular visits from their family and friends. Please let us know in advance if there is a little task you need assistance with.
For more information contact Kim Knudsen, Manager of Recreation & Volunteer Services at kknudsen@retirementconcepts.com or call 604-476-4320.
Masks for Residents in Independent Living & Assisted Living
The BC Ministry of Health and BC Centre for Disease Control has updated their recommendations for mask use for anyone living in an Assisted Living and Long Term Care communities. The recommendation is that all residents wear a mask when moving about the building, in common areas, hallways, etc., unless they are eating and/or drinking. Residents do not need to wear a mask when they are in their own suite.
The Screener will no longer provide a daily mask to our residents and therefore ask the residents provide their own masks going forward. Boxes of 50 masks can be purchased at Reception for $15.
All deliveries will be received at the Screener desk. This includes groceries, medications, and gifts. All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suite.
Dropping off items
We would ask that families please follow these guidelines to ensure your parent or loved one receives their delivery in a timely manner:
No Smoking Policy
We would also like to remind everyone that there is a strict no smoking policy on our property. No smoking or vaping is allowed on property, especially in our Visiting Booth.
Once again, A BIG THANK YOU to everyone for working so hard to keep us safe and healthy, as well as for the kindness, understanding and support you share.
Wishing you all a safe 2021.
The MRSV Leadership Team