Dear family member and friends,
The COVID-19 situation at Maple Ridge Seniors Village remains the same. On April 25th we had a staff member test positive for COVID-19. This staff member is at home and is isolating.
No residents have any COVID-19 symptoms.
We have notified Fraser Health Authority, and are still waiting for official direction from Public Health. At this time we have not been declared in outbreak but have been instructed to initiate the outbreak protocols.
The following protocols have been initiated:
We have swabbed all residents on the 1st and 3rd floors in our Residential Care and are awaiting the results.
Residents in our Independent/Assisted Living can continue their day to day routine as usual and have not been asked to remain on site at this time. This may change with further direction from Public Health.
We have had several inquiries regarding the vaccination status of the colleague who tested positive. As this is a personal medical record, we are not able to provide the information. We do strongly encourage all of our team to get the vaccine, however currently this is not mandated for health care workers. We have seen at Maple Ridge Seniors Village, as well as in the industry in general, people that have been vaccinated are still vulnerable to contracting and spreading COVID. The hope is that symptoms will be milder. Regardless of vaccination status, Fraser Health and Public health still provide the same direction and expect the same protocols to be in place when there is even the slightest possibility of an exposure on site.
We will provide everyone with a daily email update and will share information as we receive it. Should the condition of any resident change, their family will be notified immediately.
To inquire about facetime/skype or phone calls, please contact our Recreation Department at or call 604-476-4320.
Meal Services
The dining rooms on the 1st and 3rd floors in our Residential care are closed and residents are receiving room service.
The dining room on our 2nd floor in Residential Care is open but they are using disposables.
The dining room in our Independent/Assisted Living remains open at this time.
Deliveries are still being accepted at the screener desk, however we ask that all non-essential deliveries for Residential Care be put on hold until further notice. We will continue to accept all essential deliveries for Residential Care and all deliveries (essential and non-essential) for Independent/Assisted Living.
When dropping items off we ask families to please follow the guidelines below in order to ensure that your loved one gets their deliveries in a timely manner:
All items will be sanitized and delivered directly to the resident’s suites.
We wish to thank staff, residents and families for their cooperation and understanding as we move through the next few days.
Please know that the care and safety of residents is our number one priority, and that we treat this situation very seriously.
The information shared above is the most recent update and there is no other information to share at this time. Unless it is an emergency we ask that you please refrain from calling and allow us to care for your loved one. If it is an emergency, please contact Bianca, our General Manager, at 604-760-2209.
The Maple Ridge Seniors Village (MRSV) Leadership Team and Staff