
June 15th, 2020


Hello Everyone


Good day to you all, I hope everyone is getting ready for some better weather on the horizon! I have heard we are supposed to be back to normal Okanagan weather towards the end of the week. I am sure everyone is anxious to get outside and have some sunshine.




Please feel free to access the website for any updates from the Community on COVID 19 related issues.  Just a reminder to folks that we are requesting no more than 2 calls per week to your loved ones.  We are also asking that you limit your facetime or recreation door visits to once per week. So far, this is appearing to go well and as planned. That being said however; we would like to ask that if you are running late, or can’t make the visit for whatever reason, that you let us know as soon as possible so that we don’t take a space from someone who may otherwise have been able to use it.




The recreation team has been working very hard on scheduling activities for folks over in LTC.  There have been several visits accommodated as well as some programming to keep folks occupied and engaged. The AL side continues to have the hallway happy hours, some bingo in small groups, reminiscing during happy hour, etc. We are waiting for some better weather on the horizon to get folks out and active on the grounds.




We have still not received permission to open the dining room on the AL side of the building.  We will announce the opening as soon as we get the word in writing from the Health Authority.


General store


The general store remains open, however; we are not permitting more than one person in the store at a time. The store remains well stocked and available for some treats and little necessities. There is plenty of body wash and other toiletries available to them there.



We remain asking that any deliveries come through the front door for sanitization. This is for both AL and LTC.  For LTC, we are asking that only small items in single wrapping and single serving sizes are brought to LTC that may also be sanitized by wiping down. We are again reminding folks to please not leave things on the carts after 4:30 p.m.


As updated information is made available to us, we will certainly pass this along to all of you.


Stay Safe everyone,


Christy Baker

General Manager