
                                                                                                                            July 17, 2020


Greetings Friends & Families,


We’ve crossed the mid-point of July and at the risk of receiving yet another arctic front backlash, I will boldly declare the official arrival of summer – it’s about time! And speaking of warmth, nothing is more heartwarming than a beaming smile and we’ve had quite a few of those over the past couple of days. Communal dining is back! It was so nice to see the many happy faces in the dining room enjoying the company of friends and neighbours.


We recently sent a memo out regarding guidelines for both on and off site in person visits. The response has been positive and given the community yet another reason to smile. However, keeping in mind that the battle with Covid-19 is an ongoing reality, we ask that you continue with a vigilant attitude when it comes to social habits by adhering to the precautions necessary to mitigate the spread of Covid-19: practice social distancing, keep your social bubbles to a minimum, and wear a mask when deemed necessary.


For the friends and families of the AL/IL community that have opted for off property visits, we wish you the well-deserved quality time you have been anticipating for so long. We couldn’t be happier and know that everyone will do their best at succeeding in our collective commitment in keeping the residents of SSV safe.




Our Recreation Team is doing the best they can to accommodate the new in person visits while managing to keep daily activities rolling as well. Your cooperation, understanding and patience for the associated circumstances is appreciated.


General Store


The General Store remains open with distancing restrictions (1 person at a time) and a good selection of treats and necessities.




Communal dining is back with our usual 2 sittings. It’s so nice to be able to get back to some level of normalcy.




All deliveries must come through the front entrance only and abide by guidelines set out in our previous communications. Once again, we remind folks not to leave deliveries on the carts provided after 4:30 PM.




As always, feel free to access the website for community updates on COVID related issues but most of all, let’s enjoy some weather while it lasts.


Warm Wishes

Farid Nouisser – CRM SSV



Most Sincerely

Farid Nouisser