Greetings Friends and Families,
And just like that, it’s July but as fate would have it, summer continues to play its elusive game. We do, however, have some news that will help to warm spirits in spite of summer’s neglect. Next week – we hope by Tuesday – our communal dining will resume with our usual 2 sittings. The dietary team is busy planning and ensuring that all protocols are in place to provide not only a more pleasurable dining experience moving forward but most important of all, a safe environment for our residents. As well as our exciting new dining arrangements, we are anxious to be able to invite guests back into the community for visits very soon. Once our plan has been submitted and approved, you will be given the necessary information to begin booking visits that adhere to the respective guidelines. We look forward to welcoming you back.
Our Recreation team continues to keep things as stimulating as possible in spite of all obstacles. Although we are limited to the number of participants per activity, there has been a good response and folks are enjoying themselves.
General Store
The General Store remains open with distancing restrictions (1 person at a time) and a good selection of treats and necessities.
Our communal dining will be commencing next week, hopefully as early as Tuesday.
All deliveries must come through the front entrance only and abide by guidelines set out in our previous communications. Once again, we remind folks not to leave deliveries on the carts provided after 4:30 PM.
As always, feel free to access the website for community updates on COVID related issues.
Thank you, once again, for your patience and support through these difficult times.
Most Sincerely
Farid Nouisser
Community Relations Manager, S.S.V.