Hello Everyone!
Welcome to our wintery wonderland and our latest updates at the Village! With the currently increasing Covid 19 numbers especially in the Lower Mainland, more restrictions are being put into place that will also affect our tenants and residents and families. We will be continuing to follow the direction of our provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, and our general NO VISITOR policy remains in place.
Please check out our most recent updates/changes:
- All visitors, staff, tenants and residents will be required to wear a medical grade mask while in Kamloops Seniors Village. The mask MUST be worn at all times and for the duration of your visit to the building, as well as the entirety of the 30 minute visits.
- The Provincial Health Officer directive further states persons living in the Fraser Health and/or Coastal Health regions are required to remain in their home area, and not to travel in or out of their Health Authority. This has resulted in some visits from out-of-town areas such as the Lower Mainland and Alberta being cancelled for the time being.
- The November 2020 Visit Schedule is now underway and visits can still be scheduled every 7-10 days depending on availability. Please submit designated visitor to Carollyn Anderson at canderson@retirementconcepts.com. This person will be changed ONLY in cases of extreme emergency, or in the event that the family member lives in one of the restricted areas.
- Email Carollyn with requested date(s) for visitation which are filled on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and allow 72 hours for reply. A waitlist will be set up for cancellations.
- We ask that our resident/tenant families give your very best effort in reducing community outings 14 days prior to your scheduled visit.
- AND PLEASE NOTE: Should the community have any type of outbreak, visits will cease immediately
You, as family members play a key role in the continuing success of this Visitation Plan. As we all work together to closely follow Health Authority protocols, should any family member not adhere to the safety parameters that we have in place, they will be asked to leave.
Window Visits are continuing with the same following guidelines:
- Please plan visits with a limit of up to 6 people (window Visits only)
- No open windows, please use telephones
- For all residents in Complex Care, window visits can still be safely scheduled and supported through the care staff.
Recreation Program
We are continuing to provide scheduled Skype visits for residents. Please reach out to Erica Buckingham, Recreation Manager by e-mail at ebuckingham@retirementconcepts.com or call 250.571.2958 to set up a time to Skype. We will be happy to confirm a date and time to connect you with your loved-one.
Deliveries and Drop-offs:
All deliveries will continue to be received at the front desk and will be sanitized, bagged and we will call the tenants to come and pick up their items right away. Please ensure you label all items with name and room number to ensure all packages are received as quickly as possible.
Reminders for your loved one to Stay Safe:
Please help us by reminding each resident daily of the following four items:
- Practice social/physical distancing (6 feet apart)
- Perform proper Hand Hygiene (Wash hands frequently for 20 seconds with the alcohol-based sanitizer or soap and hot water) 20 seconds or greater is so important.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
- If exhibiting any symptoms (fever, cough and difficulty breathing) please alert staff immediately.
We want to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience during these ever-changing circumstances.